Hangzhou Xiaoshan Hongken Farm Kindergarten

█ Basic information of the project

Project name: Indoor Air Treatment of Hongken Farm Kindergarten, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou

Construction time: May 26, 2020

█ Customer demand and governance process

Formaldehyde and benzene in the newly decorated kindergarten of Hongken Farm, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City have exceeded the standard, and the whole house air treatment needs to be done. For the sake of students' health, the head of Hangzhou Xiaoshan Hongken Farm Kindergarten decided to find a professional formaldehyde removal company for treatment.

The person in charge had a detailed understanding of several products, and compared the company's qualifications. Chuanglujia products obtained a number of patents, and the company was the main drafting unit of the industry standard for aldehyde removal agents, so Chuanglujia Environmental Protection was finally selected. After the engineers of ChuangLvJia treated and rechecked every corner of the room, the indoor odor dissipated, and the air quality reached the national standard. The person in charge was very satisfied.

 Indoor Air Treatment of Hongken Farm Kindergarten in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City
 Indoor Air Treatment of Hongken Farm Kindergarten in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City
 Indoor Air Treatment of Hongken Farm Kindergarten in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City
 Indoor Air Treatment of Hongken Farm Kindergarten in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City

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