Shangcheng District Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center

█ Basic information of the project
Project name: Indoor Air Treatment of Shangcheng District Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center
Construction time: October 15, 2019
█ Customer demand and governance process

In order to successfully hold the two sessions and create a green conference environment, the person in charge of the Administrative Service Center of Shangcheng District invited Chuanglvjia Environmental Protection eight months ago to carry out the whole house air treatment at the two sessions. After the construction, the person in charge was very satisfied with the treatment effect. (Service cases of the two sessions of Chuangjiujia Environmental Protection Conference: Serve the NPC and CPPCC, create a green home and environmental protection in action!

Therefore, the decoration of the comprehensive service center for social governance in Shangcheng District has been completed, and the service center has a strong taste. In order to operate normally, it has a good service environment. The person in charge of the service center once again chose Chuanglujia Environmental Protection to provide all-round indoor air purification services.

Chuangjiujia Environmental Protection formulates a dedicated purification scheme, provides a comprehensive and professional one-stop service system, and decomposes indoor harmful gases for users. The professional, high-precision and high-level governance services of engineers have made the governance effect very ideal. The relevant leaders of Rongxin Group also praised the specialty of creating green home environmental protection.

 [Case of Greenhouse Government] Indoor air control of Shangcheng District Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center
 [Case of Greenhouse Government] Indoor air control of Shangcheng District Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center
 [Case of Greenhouse Government] Indoor air control of Shangcheng District Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center
 [Case of Greenhouse Government] Indoor air control of Shangcheng District Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center

   Environmental protection site management map of Chuanglvjia

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