All season hotel

Browse volume: 9411 times
Date: October 19, 2019
█ Basic information of the project
Project name: Indoor air treatment of all season hotels
Construction time: September 20, 2019
█ Customer demand and governance process
All Seasons Hotel is one of the brand hotels under Huazhu Group. Founded in 2005, Huazhu Group has operated more than 4000 hotels in more than 400 cities in China, providing hotel business travel services for 132 million members worldwide.
The hotel provides great convenience for people's work and life. We can't go on business trips and travel without staying in the hotel. Due to the design of the hotel, there are many rooms, so the ventilation effect is not good, and the decoration pollution is difficult to volatilize, resulting in the unqualified indoor air detection of many hotels. But the indoor environment of the hotel is related to the health of customers. As a public place, the environment is particularly important. All season hotel is an enterprise that pays attention to high quality. Naturally, it will not ignore the indoor environment after decoration.

After testing that the indoor air of the hotel is unqualified all season, we immediately found a professional formaldehyde removal brand, Chuanglvjia Environmental Protection, and carried out indoor air treatment. After several hours of treatment by the construction personnel, the office air was refreshed, and the hotel was very satisfied with the fresh air.

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