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The first working day of the New Year: a public interest litigation case held in the village
Time: January 3, 2024 Author: News source: [font name: large | in | Small

In order to continuously enhance the people's legal awareness and legal literacy, and effectively "educate people around us with things around us", on the morning of January 2, the Chizhou People's Procuratorate and the Shangshi Intermediate People's Court set up a circuit court in Kangqiao Village, Shengli Town, Dongzhi County to open a civil public interest litigation case on illegal fishing of aquatic products, Ling Xunhong, the procurator of Chizhou Procuratorate, appeared in court as a public interest litigation prosecutor to file a civil public interest litigation. More than 30 people, including people's supervisors, "Yixinwei" volunteers, some village cadres and villagers' representatives, attended the trial.

According to the investigation, from June to August 2022, Zhang and Zhu have repeatedly used the cage net and silk net in the waters of Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve in Anhui Province Catching more than 2000 jin of aquatic products has damaged the aquatic biodiversity and ecology of Shengjin Lake, and damaged social and public interests

In the court, the prosecutor read out the indictment of the public interest litigation, specifying the infringement facts of the illegal fishing of the two defendants and their legal responsibilities. In the link of adducing evidence, cross examination and court debate, the prosecutor not only demonstrated the infringement facts of the two defendants' illegal fishing in court, but also further analyzed the harm of their infringement to the ecological environment. During the trial, the defendant had no objection to the tort, the harmful consequences and the tort liability that should be borne by the procuratorial organ, and expressed his willingness to bear the corresponding legal liability in court.

After the end of the trial, the procuratorial police, in combination with the situation of the case in court, carried out public interest litigation legal publicity on the spot, issued public interest litigation brochures, guided the villagers to establish ecological protection awareness, and jointly protected the Shengjin Lake ecological wetland resources.

The circuit court "moved" the trial of the case to the masses, effectively playing the positive role of "hearing one case and educating one area". "The first time I participated in such a trial, I felt the harm of destroying the ecological environment on the spot, especially the legal knowledge told by the prosecutor, which was very shocking and educated for me. I can't have a fluke mentality, and definitely can't earn money for illegal crimes." Zhang Jinwang, a villager, said that he felt the prosecutor's interpretation of the case in the trial on the spot, Let them deeply understand the importance of protecting the ecological environment and natural resources.

Prosecutor's statement

The procuratorial public interest litigation in the field of ecological environment and resource protection mainly refers to the procuratorial organ's response to ecological damage and environmental pollution caused by natural and human factors, including air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, solid waste pollution, etc., as well as damage to land resources, mineral resources, forestry resources Grassland resources and other circumstances that cause ecological damage shall be subject to public interest litigation in accordance with the law.


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