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The provincial procuratorial organ public interest litigation procuratorial business training class opened in Shitai
Time: November 21, 2023-1Author: News source: [font name: large | in | Small

▲ On site shift

On the morning of November 21, the public interest litigation procuratorial business training class for procuratorial organs in the province opened in Shitai. Li Weidong, Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, attended the opening ceremony and made a mobilization speech. Wang Jing'an, the full-time procuratorial committee of the provincial procuratorate, attended. Zhang Shiliang, the Procurator General of the Hefei Military Procuratorate, and Bao Hua, the member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shitai County Committee and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, delivered speeches, Zhao Jie, director of the eighth procuratorial department of the provincial procuratorate, presided over the opening ceremony.

▲ Speech by Li Weidong

Li Weidong pointed out that the holding of this training is a concrete manifestation of the requirements of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Group on "handling every case with high quality and efficiency", and is of great significance to further strengthen the professional construction of the procuratorial team of public interest litigation in our province and promote the high-quality and efficient development of the procuratorial work of public interest litigation in our province. He asked that the majority of students should seize the learning opportunity, study hard and communicate deeply to achieve the purpose of gaining knowledge, increasing knowledge and awareness; We should do a good job in transforming the articles we have learned from training into vivid practice in promoting work; We should do a good job of sharing articles, share what we have learned, thought, understood and planned with other comrades, achieve "one person receives training, and everyone benefits", and build a broad ideological consensus and a strong joint force to promote work; We should do a good job of long-term articles, establish a long-term training mechanism, strive to form a procuratorial business education system with Anhui characteristics, and constantly improve the professional quality and case handling level of the procuratorial team.

The training lasted for 4 days. More than 130 procuratorial organs in the province participated in the training and invited relevant business backbones of the court system in the province to participate in the training. The training content included trial practice of environmental and resource cases, field teaching of public interest litigation, discussion and analysis of typical cases in connection with food safety execution, standardized handling and model building and application of public interest litigation cases.

▲ On site shift


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