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[ Criminal prosecution ] more
Drunken driving twice in six days is a serious problem! | Pufa Shenyi
Repeated offenders, arrest!
Man pretends to be a "scalper" and carries out ticket fraud | Popularize the law for a long time
"Special" diet pills, do you think "punishment" is not "punishment" | Popularize the law deeply
Invisible Damage - "Indecent in the Air" | Popularize the law deeply
[ Civil procuratorate ] more
The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the All China Federation of Trade Unions jointly issued a notice: jointly promote the use of the "one letter and two letters" system to protect the rights and interests of workers
The Supreme People's Procuratorate Releases Typical Cases of Procuratorial Recommendations for Civil Retrial
The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly issued the Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Standardized Handling of Procuratorial Suggested Cases for Civil Retrial
Supreme inspection: promote the reform of supervision mechanism and realize effective and powerful supervision
In the first half of the year, the procuratorial organ handled 2552 cases of civil effective judgment and supervision of construction contract disputes
[ Administrative procuratorial work ] more
The Supreme People's Procuratorate Released the First Batch of Typical Cases of Procuratorial Organs Acting According to Law to Promote the Integration of Socialist Core Values into the Construction of the Rule of Law
"No punishment" is not equal to "no punishment"! Understanding the reverse connection mechanism of execution
The Supreme People's Procuratorate Administrative Procuratorial Research Base Releases New Achievements
Supreme inspection: focusing on the nature of supervision, comprehensively deepening administrative procuratorial supervision
The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the All China Women's Federation jointly released typical cases of administrative procuratorial work to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of rural women related to land
[ Public interest litigation ] more
The Supreme People's Procuratorate Released the First Batch of Typical Cases of Procuratorial Organs Acting According to Law to Promote the Integration of Socialist Core Values into the Construction of the Rule of Law
The highest level of inspection: handle the public interest litigation cases of the ecological environment in the Pearl River Basin with high quality
Typical case of "punishing cyber crime according to law and promoting comprehensive governance of cyberspace" by procuratorial organs
The Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the Notice to implement the newly revised Marine Environmental Protection Law
The provincial procuratorial organ public interest litigation procuratorial business training class opened in Shitai

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