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The Municipal Procuratorate held a symposium to celebrate the "August 1st" Veterans
Time: August 1, 2023 Author: News source: [font name: large | in | Small

Build a military in the Chinese People's Liberation Army On the afternoon of July 31, when the 96th anniversary was approaching, Chizhou Procuratorate held a forum to celebrate the "August 1st" veterans, and Qin Maocheng, a member of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Political Department of Chizhou Procuratorate, presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, Director Qin Maocheng sent sincere greetings and good wishes to the ex servicemen, wishing them a happy holiday, smooth work and good health, and distributing condolences to all ex servicemen.

During the symposium, Wu Lining and Tao Hanyin, ex servicemen, respectively introduced their work and life in the army and in the procuratorate. While reviewing the life in the military camp and talking about patriotism, we firmly expressed that we should always carry forward the characteristics of perseverance and never say die in the military, continue to carry forward the fine style of the military, base on our own posts, take on the responsibility, press forward, and make new and greater contributions to Chizhou's procuratorial cause.


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