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Face to face listening to the voice of the enterprise and helping the enterprise to solve the difficulties -- Chen Yong carried out the activity of "optimizing the environment and stabilizing the economy" in Dongzhi County and concentrated on the site
Time: 2022-12-20 Author: News source: [font name: large | in | Small

Face to face listening to the voice of enterprises and helping enterprises solve difficulties

——Chen Yong carried out the activity of "optimizing the environment and stabilizing the economy" in Dongzhi County

▲ Chen Yong receives visiting enterprises face to face in Dadukou Economic Development Zone

In order to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress In the afternoon of December 17, Chen Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Acting Procurator General of Chizhou Municipal Procuratorate, carried out the activity of "optimizing the environment and stabilizing the economy" in Dadukou Economic Development Zone, Dongzhi County, where he worked in a centralized manner, listened to the voice of enterprises face to face, understood their demands, and coordinated to solve practical difficulties and problems. Luo Zuqi, a second level researcher of the Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Zhang Huan, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Dongzhi County Government and deputy county head, Xia Qin, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chief procurator of the county procuratorate, and heads of relevant departments directly under the county government attended the event.

▲ Chen Yong listens patiently to the demands of enterprises

"How is the revenue this year?". In view of the problems of urban construction, water supply guarantee, enterprise relocation, qualification change and other issues raised by the person in charge of the enterprise, Chen Yong worked with the relevant person in charge on the site, studied one by one, proposed solutions, and solved the difficulties for the enterprise. At the same time, he consulted the enterprise's judicial needs for optimizing the business environment and opinions and suggestions on the procuratorial work.

▲ Chen Yong receives the person in charge of the visiting enterprise

Chen Yong pointed out that The on-site centralized office work of the activity of "optimizing the environment and stabilizing the economy" is an important measure to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, and the relevant decisions and arrangements of the 4th Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee and the 3rd Plenary Session of the 5th Municipal Party Committee. The relevant units and departments should carefully study the problems raised by enterprises, and timely propose specific solutions and effective measures, Ensure that the enterprise appeals to "every response and every success". Chen Yong stressed that the procuratorial organs of the city should give full play to their procuratorial functions, effectively provide high-quality judicial services and guarantees for the development of enterprises, and contribute procuratorial forces to create a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized business environment and high-quality economic and social development of the city.


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