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Chizhou Municipal People's Procuratorate Work Report Consultation Forum was held in Dongzhi
Time: December 15, 2022 Author: News source: [font name: large | in | Small

On December 14, Yu Shibin, Deputy Procurator General of Chizhou People's Procuratorate, and his party came to Dongzhi County Procuratorate, invited some deputies to the Municipal People's Congress and CPPCC members to hold a symposium to solicit opinions on the Work Report of Chizhou Procuratorate (Draft for Comments). Xia Qin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Dongzhi County, presided over the meeting, and some leaders of the People's Procuratorate attended.

▲ Hold a symposium

▲ Representatives and members present make speeches

At the meeting, the representative committee members carefully reviewed the work report In 2022, the work and achievements of the Municipal Procuratorate were fully recognized, and they expressed that the work report had clear ideas, clear organization, reasonable structure, and prominent focus. At the same time, they also put forward suggestions in ecological protection, food safety, pension fraud and other aspects in combination with their own work fields and personal performance experience.

▲ Yu Shibin, Deputy Procurator General of Chizhou People's Procuratorate

Yu Shibin expressed his sincere gratitude to the representative members for their concern and support for the procuratorial work, and said that he would carefully sort out the opinions and suggestions put forward by the representative members, timely feed back to the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Procuratorate, and further modify and improve the procuratorial work report. At the same time, he also hoped that the representative members could consistently care about and support the procuratorial work and put forward more suggestions, We will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of procuratorial work in serving economic and social development and the people.


Address: No. 398, Donghu Road, Guichi District, Chizhou City
Tel: 2045661 Post code: 247000
Website record No.: Beijing ICP Bei 10217144 - 1
Technical support: Justice Network

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