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The research office of the provincial procuratorate came to the pool to "feel the pulse"
Time: September 23, 2022 Author: News source: [font name: large | in | Small

How about the operation of the procuratorial committee? Does the hospital leader handle the case in accordance with the requirements? How effective are the procuratorial suggestions? Focusing on the three key tasks of the legal policy research line, Wang Jing'an, the director of the legal policy research office of the Provincial Procuratorate and the second level senior prosecutor, and his delegation went to Chizhou to carry out research and supervision from September 20 to 21. Huang Zuwang, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of Chizhou Procuratorate, accompanied the investigation.

Wang Jing'an and his party first came to the Guichi District Procuratorate, went straight to the scene to consult the conference materials of the procuratorate committee of the court, learned about the status of issue proposal, review and implementation, asked the relevant issue handling personnel, and communicated with the counterpart line police to improve the effectiveness of procuratorial suggestions, and put forward suggestions on improving the work of court leaders in handling cases.



At the symposium held by the Municipal Procuratorate, Deputy Procurator General Huang Zuwang reported the overall situation of the city's relevant work, and the relevant responsible comrades of the grass-roots courts reported the work practices and results, existing problems and difficulties in turn. Director Wang Jing'an affirmed the three key tasks of Chizhou Municipal People's Court. In view of the weaknesses and shortcomings found in the survey, he respectively pointed out "good solutions" and proposed countermeasures: First, we must continue to strengthen the standardization of the procuratorial committees. According to the report on the quality and efficiency of the work of the procuratorate committee recently issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the system of monthly regular meetings is implemented, and learning is achieved with proposals, without "matters" and without "matters"; Do a good job in daily management of topics, especially case topics; Strengthen the review and check of topics, and ensure that it is explicitly stipulated that all the inspection commission offices that should attend the meeting and should not attend the meeting should earnestly exercise their responsibilities of suggestions; Improve the quality of the meeting process, and focus on the implementation and supervision of decisions; Improve the level of meeting minutes to ensure a comprehensive and objective reflection of the discussion of topics. Second, we should do a solid job in leading the handling of cases. In combination with the actual situation of each court, optimize the case division mechanism, break the "departmental" situation of handling cases, ensure that court leaders handle cases to the specified proportion, and focus on correcting and preventing the problem of handling "negative list" cases. Third, we should constantly enhance the quality and effectiveness of procuratorial recommendations. We are good at taking advantage of difficulties to promote the steady increase of the number of suggestions, and have targeted solutions to the "cruxes" of the procuratorial suggestions, such as the lack of detailed narrative reasoning, inaccurate sending objects, insufficient operability of the contents of the suggestions, non-standard case card filling, and untimely filing, and put an end to the problems of aggregation, one issue, and similar cases.





Director Wang Jing'an also conducted research on procuratorial theory research and case cultivation. The person in charge of the Provincial People's Court Inspection Commission Office answered and guided the specific issues related to the standardized operation of the Inspection Commission.



Huang Zuwang, Deputy Procurator General, said that the Chizhou two level courts will base on the feedback of the provincial court's research, adhere to the problem orientation, focus on the quantity, quality, ability, appearance and effect of change, and promote the work of the legal and policy research line to make steady progress and achieve high-quality development.


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