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Current location: home page > Special action to crack down on pension fraud
Anhui crack down on pension fraud clues to report the way announced!
Multi departments launched the elderly civil fraud prevention manual to help strengthen the awareness of the rule of law and the ability to recognize and prevent fraud
The provincial investigation and guidance meeting on the special action to crack down on pension fraud was held
[Typical case] The drawing symbol touches the bone mass finger... Be alert! "Feng Shui Master" Tricks to Deceive the Elderly
[Typical case] "public welfare celebrities" set 40 tables for banquets for hundreds of elderly people! After 7 days
[Typical case] Illegal fund-raising of 92 million yuan by "painting big cakes"! Behind the high-yield pension real estate project is
[Typical case] "TCM clinic" becomes a fraud dens? Guangzhou Public Security Captures 301 Suspects in One Day
Supreme Law: The courts across the country have implemented pension fraud cases with more than 2 billion yuan of assets
Random call back to the informant! The vice ministerial leader led the team to check the "quality" of the work
[Typical case] Keep the people's "pension money" and don't let the pension become "pit old"
[Typical cases] Ordinary drugs become "special drugs", forge "collectibles"... the old fraud routine has been updated!
[Typical case] The monthly interest rate of the elderly investing in "tourism development" projects is 2%? The police found the "dividend table" from the swindler recycling station
[Typical case] The original price is 10280, and the current price is 280. When you buy it, you can "earn" a lot of money? More than 20000 old people have been cheated!
[Typical case] More than a dozen cooks in self built pension manor's hot spring all day? These routines of "zero yuan pension" cannot be trusted!
[Typical case] Buy a short video for 3 million yuan? Watch out for "pie in the sky"!
[Typical case] Pills and liquor "cure all diseases"? Jiujiang Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi Province Successfully Beats Four "Manufacturing and Selling Counterfeit Drugs" Fraud Gang
[Typical case] Do you dare to ask for millions of dollars sent from abroad? Retired Auntie Encountered Telefraud "Script Killing"
[Typical case] Free travel, free physical examination, free training... these "ten major categories" of pension fraud means should be vigilant!
[Typical case] My uncle ran into a distant "cousin" in the live broadcast room. When he was about to remit money, the police arrived at the scene
[Typical cases] "free" physical examination, "agency" endowment insurance, assistant retirement... Shenyang public security announced three cases of endowment fraud!
[Typical case] Use the "Qianlong Imperial" gold brick to cheat the old man's money? It's back!
[Season 2 of Case Handling Stories] There are potential safety hazards in elderly care institutions, and the procuratorial supervision makes "the elderly feel safe"
Heavy release! This national special action solved 11500 cases
[Typical case] 30 lucky places? Activate human longevity password? These scam routines focus on elderly patients
[Typical case] Be alert to the fraud trap of "providing for the aged with housing", and the elderly should be cautious in investing in providing for the aged
[Typical case] If you learn Tao Te Ching online, you will win 19800 yuan "grand prize"? Aunt, don't believe me!
[Typical cases] Investment projects, insurance agency, online financing... Guangdong courts issued typical cases of cracking down on pension fraud!
[Typical case] After the death of the victim, the money was still recovered by the fraud gang... The police cracked the Ministry of Public Security's listing to supervise the elderly care fraud case!
[Typical case] When the police picked up the express after work, they ran into two old people who wanted to buy "all inclusive medicine", and couldn't sit still for a moment
[Typical case] The "emotional cheater" was caught, leading the elderly to be cheated

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