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Celebrating heroes and martyrs during the Tomb Sweeping Day, Loyalty and soul building -- Chizhou Procuratorate held the theme party day activity of commemorating revolutionary martyrs during the Tomb Sweeping Day
Time: April 1, 2024 Author: News source: [font name: large | in | Small

This is a solemn theme party day activity. This morning, the party members and policemen of the Chizhou Procuratorate came to the Chizhou Martyrs Cemetery, which is located among the green mountains and cypresses, to pay homage to the revolutionary martyrs at the dawn of Qingming.

▲ Standing in Memory

▲ Qin Maocheng, member of the Party Leadership Group, director of the Political Department, and secretary of the Party Committee of the organ, led everyone to present the flower basket to the revolutionary martyrs and arrange the ribbon of the flower basket

In front of the tall and lofty revolutionary martyrs memorial tower, in the solemn voice of the national anthem, the procuratorial police stood in line, presented flower baskets with reverence and collective mourning, and recalled the noble spirit of the revolutionary martyrs, who were brave and tenacious, not afraid of sacrifice, selfless dedication, and loyal to the people. Later, the party members and policemen slowly walked around the revolutionary martyrs' memorial tower for a week to pay their respects to the tower, and presented flowers to the revolutionary martyrs who were sleeping here, expressing their infinite respect and deep sorrow for the people's heroes.

▲ Immortality of revolutionary martyrs

▲ Party members and policemen pay silent tribute to revolutionary martyrs

The spirit of sacrifice to heroes during the Tomb Sweeping Festival will be inherited forever. The implementation of this theme party day activity has strengthened the confidence and determination of all procuratorial officers to inherit the revolutionary spirit and keep moving forward. Everyone said that in the future work, on the one hand, we should inherit the martyrs' will, inherit the great revolutionary spirit, take the initiative and act bravely, and transform the deep memory of the revolutionary heroes into a powerful power to serve the people wholeheartedly, on the other hand, we should base ourselves on the legal supervision function, Take case handling as the starting point, give play to the procuratorial function of public interest litigation, strengthen the protection of red resources, and work together to protect the honor of heroes and martyrs.

▲ Pay homage to the memorial tower and pay homage to the revolutionary martyrs


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