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Some consumers bought "leftover orphan" clothes through the live broadcast room, but after receiving the goods, they found that there were stains, smells, pilling, holes and other problems in the clothes, and even found strange sundries in the clothes. According to the field survey, some broadcast booths actually purchase from the used clothing recycling factory and sell directly without cleaning and disinfection. Relevant departments need to strengthen management, standardize market behavior, and promote the development of relevant standards to better promote the recycling of waste textiles

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And“ consumes'interests ”Related hot search words of:

Related“ consumes'interests ”2774 pieces of information

  • The leftover goods you bought may be second-hand goods Expert: Infringe the rights and interests of consumers

    Some consumers bought "leftover orphan" clothes through the live broadcast room, but after receiving the goods, they found that there were stains, smells, pilling, holes and other problems in the clothes, and even found strange sundries in the clothes. According to the field survey, some broadcast booths actually purchase from the used clothing recycling factory and sell directly without cleaning and disinfection. Relevant departments need to strengthen management, standardize market behavior, and promote the development of relevant standards to better promote the recycling of waste textiles.

  • BOC Consumer Finance fully launched the "March 15" financial consumer rights protection education and publicity campaign

    In order to effectively improve consumers' financial literacy and risk prevention awareness, on the morning of March 14, BOC Consumer Finance participated in the 2024 "Financial Guardian at Home - the 11th Financial Consumer Community Experience Day" hosted by the Community Morning News. More than 1000 residents stopped to participate in the event, and more than 50000 people visited the live broadcast platform. Relevant leaders and representatives from the Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China, Shanghai Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, Shanghai Banking Association and Shanghai Insurance Association attended the event. BOC Consumer Finance will further deepen the people centered value orientation, build a regular position for financial education, carry out financial knowledge popularization at different levels, through multiple channels and across the board, help build a harmonious and safe financial consumption environment, and enhance the convenience, availability and sense of access of people's financial services.

  • Friendly service for you and me to complain: a glance at the refund process to fully protect the rights and interests of consumers

    With the rapid development of financial technology, we have already entered an era of information explosion. Consumers enjoy convenient services in all aspects of life, but they are also experiencing the test of refund. Refund is a game of rights and temptations, because risks are always everywhere on the way of refund. This principle not only reflects the social responsibility and responsibility of the company, but also improves the trust and satisfaction of users to you and me.

  • The complaint process of our loan is transparent and open, so that consumers' rights and interests can be firmly implemented

    With the growing development of Internet technology, online borrowing platform has gradually become one of the important channels for modern consumers to obtain financial services. Naturally, the protection of consumers' rights and interests is also increasingly valued by the state. As a professional Internet financial platform company, Youwodai aims to provide every user with high-quality services. Its transparent and open process system can effectively and timely solve user questions. In addition, our loan platform will open the corresponding complaint module. Any customer who uses or purchases its platform services or products will be dissatisfied

  • Weixin Jinke Doudouqian: Protect consumer rights with professional services

    The protection of consumers' rights and interests concerns thousands of families and the vital interests of everyone. The issue of consumer protection in the FinTech neighborhood is particularly prominent and urgent. All FinTech companies are also taking active actions to continue to explore and innovate ways to protect consumers' rights and interests. Consumer protection is a long-term systematic project. The parent company of Doudouqian, Weixin Jinke, will also continue to explore innovative technologies and new services, continue to pay attention to the needs of users' rights and interests, upgrade the consumer service system, continue to strengthen the strategic position of consumer protection in the company from the overall level, and achieve sustainable development of the company.

  • Consumer Protection Committee calls Jay Chou's concert ticket and charges VIP first: infringes consumer rights

    Recently, Jay Chou needs to recharge 488 yuan as a VIP in order to grab tickets at Hangzhou Stadium, which has become a hot topic on the Internet. As for buying Jay Chou's concert tickets, you need to charge VIP first ", the Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Rights Protection Commission recently expressed its opinion, suggesting that the unreasonable purchase restrictions for performances be broken. The ticket grabbing condition is to spend 488 yuan to become a JayMe Super VIP before the ticket grabbing day. Only with this identity and 1wJ plus concert purchase right coupon can you participate in the ticket grabbing.

  • Consumer Protection Commission: Compulsory collection of takeout packaging fees damages the rights and interests of consumers

    The Shanghai Municipal Consumer Protection Commission today issued an opinion that, in the current takeout market, the mandatory collection of takeout packaging fees has affected fair competition and damaged the rights and interests of consumers. They believe that the price of the take away products should include the basic packaging fees. To charge packaging fees separately is a secondary charge for consumers, which violates the principle of fair trade. They remind consumers to carefully read the cost details when choosing delivery services to avoid losses due to opaque charges.

  • Led by digital intelligence and consumers first, Zhaolian Finance was recognized by the People's Daily Online "Consumer Rights Protection Award"

    With the rapid development of financial technology, the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Zhaolian Consumer Finance Co., Ltd. helped improve the quality and efficiency of consumer protection work and create a full journey smart customer service through digital intelligence empowerment. Recently, in the "2023 Inclusive Finance Excellent Case Selection" hosted by People's Daily, Zhaolian Finance won the "Consumer Rights Protection Award", again demonstrating its outstanding position in the field of financial consumer rights protection. It is believed that with the continuous efforts of Zhaolian Finance, the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests will usher in a better tomorrow.

  • Is the auction loan formal and legal? Is the protection of consumers' rights and interests in place?

    There are thousands of reasons for lack of money, and the difficulties are the same! It is the end of the year again. At this time, many friends will need more money. In modern society, with the rising cost of living and the diversification of personal capital needs, Paipaidai, an Internet borrowing platform, has gradually become one of the choices for people to solve short-term capital needs by virtue of its simple, fast and flexible characteristics. Users can apply through mobile applications or web pages without tedious application process and material preparation. But with online fraud

  • Follow up and spell more! Taobao will support refund only, which leads to hot discussion among netizens: protect consumers' rights and interests

    Today, the term # Taobao will support only refunds #, which has been ranked first on the popular microblog search list, causing hot discussion among netizens. The reason is that Taobao has recently issued a notice on the change of the Taobao Platform Dispute Settlement Rules, in which Taobao is newly added to identify multi-dimensional integration based on the platform's own big data capabilities, and make provisions for quick refund or return refund for buyers to launch after-sales services that meet the relevant conditions. For Taobao, only refunds are available. "Some netizens said that the rights and interests of consumers have been protected

  • Xinfei Technology: Protect the Rights and Interests of Financial Consumers and Build a Credible Financial Ecological Environment

    The protection of consumers' rights and interests is an important part of building a healthy and sustainable financial market. In today's global economic development, more and more people rely on financial services and products to meet various needs. Only through joint efforts can we build a fair, transparent, stable and sustainable financial market and provide financial consumers with safer and more reliable financial products and services.

  • Consumer Protection Commission: mobile phone "shake" jump ads should be opened after consent is given to infringe consumer rights

    Many users complain on social platforms that their mobile phones are often disturbed by "shake" jump ads and will jump to the shopping platform if they are not careful. On November 15, the Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission said that mobile phone "shake" jump advertising infringes consumer rights and interests, and such functions can only be enabled after obtaining the user's consent. The Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission said that most mobile phone users are forced to jump to shopping software to browse advertising when using different software for learning, working and entertainment, This not only wastes users' time, but also infringes their rights and interests. Only by putting the user's sense of experience in mind and designing more humanized advertising strategies can businesses and consumers truly achieve a win-win situation.

  • The father and son bought 95 # gasoline for 5.2 yuan, sold it for 6.7 yuan, and made a profit of 50000 yuan per month. They were hit: protecting consumers' rights and interests

    The father and son bought 95 # gasoline for 5.2 yuan and sold it for 6.7 yuan. They made a lot of illegal profits, but the result was also sad. The Public Security Bureau of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, successfully solved a case of illegal sale of refined oil products in Japan. We will also strengthen price regulation and improve the market mechanism to provide consumers with a safer and more stable consumption environment.

  • Consume money immediately: stick to consumer protection first and actively safeguard consumers' rights and interests

    In recent years, the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers has received more and more attention from the management department and the society. The People's Bank of China and the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau have also made many arrangements for the rights and interests of financial consumers. Financial consumers are the foundation of financial institutions' operation. To effectively protect the rights and interests of financial consumers and correctly handle the relationship between financial service capability and consumer rights and interests protection is a major event related to stability and sustainable development. In 2020, the People's Bank of China officially issued the Implementation Measures for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Financial Consumers, which attached great importance to the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers

  • WeChat new rules protect consumers' rights and interests. Goods below 30 yuan must be mailed

    WeChat officially issued a new regulation that from now on to June 20, 2023, all goods with a price of 30 yuan or less must be mailed, and the application scope includes Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas regions. This move aims to create a good environment for video number to carry goods, standardize business behaviors and protect users' rights and interests. These new services will help improve the consumption experience of WeChat stores and enhance user trust.

  • WeChat card loan strengthens the protection of consumers' rights and interests, making users' complaints effective

    For businesses, if they want to better serve users, they must listen to users' demands, solve users' complaints, and constantly improve their service experience. As a consumer financial product under Weixin Jinke, Weixin Card has always insisted on building a consumer security system and an effective complaint channel. Users only need to understand the steps and processes of complaints through the above two methods to ensure that complaints are accurate, standardized, specific and effective, in order to obtain efficient, high-quality and professional solutions.

  • Weixin Jinke builds a consumer protection team to actively respond to consumer complaints

    In order to protect the rights and interests of financial consumers and actively respond to consumers' complaints and demands, WeChat Jinke, China's leading independent online consumer financial service provider, recently established a consumer insurance team. The establishment of this team is driven by the corporate service culture of "treat customers with heart and treat customers fairly", and it is Weixin Jinke's initiative to change after having a deep insight into the regulatory policy and the current situation of the industry. The establishment of the consumer insurance team of Weixin Jinke will also effectively improve the responsibility and service quality of Weixin Jinke, and build a more healthy, fast, convenient and sustainable consumer financial market.

  • Ping An Pratt&Whitney Shanghai Branch sticks to the spirit of the early years of the People's Republic of China and won the "Annual Contribution Award for Financial Consumer Rights Protection for Microenterprise Support"

    Recently, the Community Morning Post released the Shanghai Community Financial Service Satisfaction Survey report, and Ping An Pratt&Whitney Shanghai Branch won the annual financial consumer rights protection microenterprise support contribution award due to its outstanding performance in financial consumers' right to know, option protection, and public consumer protection publicity and education. In recent years, Ping An Pratt&Whitney Shanghai Branch has always adhered to the principle of Party building to lead the development, comprehensively promote the improvement of all work, and always adhere to the service concept of "people centered"

  • Infringe the rights and interests of consumers! The merchant is fined 2600 yuan for 4 points of reverse erasure

    A consumer said that when using WeChat payment in a pastry shop in Yangzhou, the bill amount was 34.16 yuan, and the merchant actually charged 34.2 yuan, which was 0.04 yuan more. The store operator overcharged by rounding the corner in the opposite direction. The overcharge was 0.07 yuan for three times. Finally, the store was ordered to rectify. The illegal income of 0.07 yuan was confiscated and a fine of 2600 yuan was imposed. Unilateral reverse erasure "is an illegal act of selling goods at a price higher than the marked price and collecting fees not marked. According to the regulations, if an operator sells goods at a price higher than the marked price or collects fees not marked, the relevant department has the right to order it to correct, confiscate the illegal income and impose a fine of less than 5000 yuan.

  • Small win technology multi-dimensional measures to improve consumer protection

    In recent years, in order to maintain a fair and just financial market environment and promote high-quality and healthy development of the industry, "consumer insurance" related work has become the focus of various financial institutions. On December 30, 2022, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the Administrative Measures for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests of Bancassurance Institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Measures), which will come into force on March 1, 2023. According to the guidance of the Administrative Measures, the financial industry enterprises led by banks, insurance, and financial technology protect consumers

  • Xinfei Technology: Take multiple measures to protect consumers' rights and create a good financial consumption environment

    With the vigorous development of financial technology, financial business forms are constantly changing, financial risks are more hidden and complex, and the weak position of financial consumers makes their rights and interests infringed increasingly prominent. According to the data of the CBRC, in the first three quarters of+2022+, the CBRC and its local offices received and forwarded more than 23000 consumer investment+lawsuits in the banking industry, and disputes involving financial consumers' right to property security, the right to know, and the right to information security continued to exist. CITIC will continue to vigorously strengthen the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests, education and risk warning, constantly improve the long-term mechanism of work, create a good social image of the financial technology industry and help create a good financial consumption environment by constantly improving service quality and service ability.

  • To help build a harmonious financial environment, Bohai Property&Casualty Insurance actively carried out "March 15" consumer protection education activities

    In order to further promote the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests, from+3+month+13+to+3+month+19+day, all branches of Bohai Property and Casualty Insurance carried out a series of consumer protection publicity and education activities in various forms around the theme of "jointly building an honest consumption environment+boosting financial consumption confidence", taking multiple measures to help consumers improve their financial literacy and boost financial consumption confidence, We will fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers. Bohai Property&Casualty Insurance attaches great importance to the protection of consumers' legitimate rights and interests, constantly innovates the means of publicity and education, and continuously strengthens the effect of activities. Bohai Property&Casualty Insurance will continue to implement the requirements of consumer protection, actively carry out various forms of financial knowledge publicity activities, do a deep and solid job of consumer protection, effectively improve the public's awareness of risk prevention and identification ability, and make contributions to building a safe and harmonious financial ecological environment.

  • CITIC Technology: Follow the trend and do a solid job in protecting the rights and interests of financial consumers

    At present, the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests is an important issue for the sustainable development of the financial industry. If financial institutions do not perform well in the field of financial consumer protection, it may cause adverse effects such as regulatory penalties, brand reputation damage, and have a substantial impact on business. At the same time, the relevant performance of institutions in the field of financial consumer protection is also one of the important considerations for their ESG rating. Doing a good job in protecting the rights and interests of financial consumers is also an important starting point for institutions to improve their ESG rating. In terms of policies and regulations, the regulator has

  • Jialai Technology was invited to participate in the offline publicity activity of "March 15" International Consumer Protection Day held in Panyu District

    Boost consumer confidence! Jialai Technology was invited to participate in the offline publicity activities of the "March 15" International Consumer Protection Day held in Panyu District. On March 15, the Panyu District Consumer Committee, in conjunction with the District Market Supervision Bureau, the District Office for Strong Quality, the District Private Association and relevant functional departments, held the "March 15" International Consumer Protection Day and high-quality Panyu Smart Manufacturing publicity and exhibition activities in the West Square of Guangzhou South Railway Station, Mobilize all sectors of society to participate in the work of consumer rights protection, strive to create a good consumer environment, and promote high-quality development. The theme of this activity is "boosting consumer confidence and promoting high-quality development". From March 15 to 17, each town (street) consumer committee branch will organize various publicity activities on its own to comprehensively promote collaborative governance of consumer protection and boost consumer confidence. At the same time, Panyu District Consumer Affairs Committee and Panyu District Market Supervision Committee?

  • Great Wall Life Insurance launched the "March 15" consumer protection education and publicity week in 2023

    In order to build a harmonious and healthy financial consumption environment, enhance consumer satisfaction, focus on improving people's financial literacy, and boost financial consumption confidence, Great Wall Life Insurance launched the "3 · 15" consumer rights protection education and publicity week activity with the theme of "jointly building an honest consumption environment+boosting financial consumption confidence" on March 13-19. This activity aims to remind consumers of financial consumption risks, focusing on various forms of online and offline risks for financial fraud activities such as capital protection and high interest rates, investment in old-age care, false publicity, telecommunications network fraud, etc

  • Attach importance to consumer rights, and Lenovo services help create a safer and more secure consumption environment

    The theme of this year's consumer rights year is "boosting consumer confidence", which aims to help the industry develop in high quality by creating a safer and more secure consumer environment. In order to urge brands to protect their consumer rights and interests, the Professional Committee of Service Quality of the China Marketing Association also announced on March 15 that "every day 3 15 Investigation of Service Quality and Rights Protection ", the result of the evaluation of the service quality of six industries, including automobiles, mobile phones and laptops. Lenovo Services will continue to hone its internal skills in the future, take improving the user experience as its own responsibility, help create a safer and more secure consumption environment, and achieve high-quality development.

  • With the same frequency resonance with national policies, Dingcheng Life opened the "3 · 15" consumer protection education and publicity week

    In order to fully implement the deployment of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, solidly promote the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers, and thoroughly practice the political and people oriented nature of financial work. On March 13, the "3-15" consumer protection education and publicity week activity of Dingcheng Life opened grandly. On this basis, Dingcheng Life Insurance will continue to explore and innovate, continue to improve the long-term mechanism of consumer education, actively build a harmonious and healthy financial consumption environment, escort financial consumption confidence, effectively protect the fundamental interests of financial consumers, and make contributions to the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

  • Shouyin Industry: strengthen the protection of corporate social responsibility and consumer rights

    Every March 15 is the International Consumer Rights Day. This day has also become an important time node of the "315 Evening Party", causing the whole society to pay close attention to the protection of consumers' rights and interests. We look forward to working together to build a more fair, just, transparent and stable investment environment and market rules, and create more value and opportunities for consumers and enterprises.

  • Xinfei Technology: Protect the Rights and Interests of Financial Consumers and Create a Good Financial Consumption Environment

    On February 16, the People's Bank of China held the 2023 Financial Consumption Rights Protection Working Conference. Adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, proceed from safeguarding the long-term and fundamental interests of financial consumers, actively promote the construction of the protection system of financial consumer rights and interests, constantly improve the pertinence and effectiveness of financial education, constantly promote the construction of a diversified resolution mechanism for financial disputes, severely crack down on violations of financial consumer rights and interests, and continue to promote the high-quality development of inclusive finance, We will comprehensively improve the protection of financial consumption rights and interests. For enterprises such as SINOFIELD Technology, it is a red line that constrains enterprises to fulfill their personal information processor obligations according to law as a compliant operation, and helps enterprises achieve compliance and sustainable development.

  • Timely, convenient and professional service! Haier Zhijia won the "Demonstration Unit of Consumer Rights Innovation"

    It is also the annual "March 15" International Consumer Rights Day. The Consumer Association of China announced that the theme of 2023 Consumer Rights Year is "boosting consumer confidence". What are consumers thinking? What is the real demand of consumers? Only by clarifying this problem can we truly focus on consumer concerns and provide consumers with satisfactory high-quality services. On March 13, sponsored by China Household Appliance Service and Maintenance Association, the 2023 Annual Consumer Rights and Interests Innovation Conference of Household Appliance Service Industry and the Press Conference to Lift a Larger Scale of "One Hundred Cities, One Thousand Villages, Ten Thousand Households" of Household Appliances Benefiting the Old and Revitalizing the New in History was held in Beijing. Haier Zhijia won the title of "2022 Demonstration Unit of Consumer Rights Innovation in Home Appliance Service Industry" by virtue of its exploration achievements in the field of digital services, which once again serves as a service provider

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