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 Unicode Alliance

Unicode Alliance

In the 15.0 new standard, the Unicode Alliance has continued to implement improvements on core specifications, attachments and data files - it has introduced 4489 new characters, and the total number has reached 149186 Second, the new scripts and characters in Unicode 15.0 have added support for more modern languages: ● A group of Egyptian hieroglyphs (in addition to the standardized variant sequences that support the rotated glyphs in text) ● Update and add for CJK language: U-Source semantic symbol, recording new ideogram in its data file, adding ExtH as a new status, improving the status identifier of the existing CJK unified ideogram block, and adding Section 2.5

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Description of "Unicode" by network media

An industry standard in computer science

Character encoding scheme

Character encoding used on the computer

An industry standard

Character encoding system

Coding scheme for converting numbers to program data

16 bit symbol encoding strategy

Compatible with global character sets

Unity of dozens of character sets

True string

Real string

Universal Character Set

International coding standard

Coding of all symbols

Universal character set

Built in functions

Industry standards

Character encoding method

Common coding methods

Abbreviation for Unicode Character Set

A large collection

International standard code

Foundations of Java and XML

Body code of Windows operating system

A language developed by countries all over the world

Specifications for displaying text on web pages

Number of characters

Assign a code to all characters in the computer

The foundation of many Microsoft products and technologies

nonprofit organization

Search Engine's Analysis of "Unicode"

  • Implementation mode:
  • Officially announced:
  • R&D:
  • abbreviation:
  • Also called:
  • release:
    October 1991
  • Subset:
  • Full name:
    Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set
  • Compression form:
  • Maximum code point:
  • Coding range:
  • Data type:
  • Range:
  • chinese:
    Single code
  • Maximum:

Netizens' labels for "Unicode"

  • character set
  • code
  • Coding method
  • standard
  • character string
  • file
  • language
  • character
  • Encoding format
  • Character encoding
  • system
  • international standard
  • typeface
  • coding standard
  • organization
  • coding scheme
  • format
  • function
  • String type
  • Coded character set
  • Symbol
  • data type
  • tool
  • text file
  • Software
  • website
  • text
  • coding system
  • program
  • operating system

Description of "Unicode Alliance" by network media

Organization of character coding

Non profit organization

Non profit organization

Analysis of "Unicode Alliance" by Search Engine

  • chairman:
    Mark Davis
  • Establishment:
  • Website:

Netizens' labels for "Unicode Alliance"

  • organization
  • Standardization Organization
  • Standards Development Organization
  • website

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