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 Corporate legal issues

Corporate legal issues

Driven by the trend of trade globalization, China's auto parts enterprises have opened up overseas expansion and entered markets with great potential, such as Europe and the United States, in addition to the domestic market. According to the data of the General Administration of Customs collated by the China Automobile Industry Association, the export volume of China's auto parts in 2023 will be 87.7 billion US dollars, up 9% year on year, rising for three consecutive years, hitting a record high. Going to sea has become an important way for domestic parts enterprises to expand new growth points. As the leader in the digital field of domestic marketing services, Ruitai Information has always been committed to the in-depth integration of cutting-edge technologies and marketing service scenarios, to escort the sustainable growth of enterprises. This time, Ruitai Information has once again proved its strong product capabilities and professional service level with practice, demonstrating to the world "the leader of the transmission industry" The digital power behind

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