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 Baidu Wenxin Yiyan

Baidu Wenxin Yiyan

Tongxin UOS officially announced that Wenxin, an AI big language model product developed by Baidu, was officially launched in Tongxin App Store. Users can download, install and use Wenxin Yiyan with one click through Tongxin App Store. UniTrust desktop operating system is a self-developed desktop operating system developed by UniTrust software based on Linux. It has the characteristics of security, stability, intelligent collaboration, beauty and ease of use, rich software and hardware compatibility, extensive application ecological support, and compatibility with domestic mainstream processor architecture

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Related“ Baidu Wenxin Yiyan ”327 pieces of information

  • The domestic large model logs into the domestic system! Baidu Wenxin Yiyan goes on sale in Tongxin App Store

    Tongxin UOS officially announced that Wenxin, an AI big language model product developed by Baidu, was officially launched in Tongxin App Store. Users can download, install and use Wenxin Yiyan with one click through Tongxin App Store. UniTrust desktop operating system is a self-developed desktop operating system developed by UniTrust software based on Linux. It has the characteristics of security, stability, intelligence, collaboration, beauty and ease of use, rich software and hardware compatibility, extensive application ecological support, and compatibility with domestic mainstream processor architecture.

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan launches a new function "Smart Picture", which can be used by member users for unlimited times

    Baidu Wenxin announced the launch of a new function, "intelligent mapping". After answering, the user added the [Smart Map] button, which is suitable for text creation scenarios. On April 16, 2024, Baidu founder, chairman and CEO Li Yanhong said at the Create2024 Baidu AI Developers Conference that the number of Wenxin Yiyan users has exceeded 200 million, the average daily API usage has also exceeded 200 million, the number of service customers has reached 85000, and the number of native applications of Qianfan platform AI has exceeded 190000.

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan has more than 200 million users, and the average daily API usage is 200 million

    Baidu announced at today's AI developer conference that the number of Wenxin Yiyan users has exceeded 200 million, and the average daily API usage has reached 200 million, which has roughly doubled since the company updated in December last year. According to Li Yanhong, "Wenxin Yiyan has been released for one year and one month since March 16 last year. According to AIcpb.com, OpenAI's ChatGPT is still the most popular generative AI service in the world, with a total traffic increase of 9%, reaching 1.86 billion views.

  • Baidu Wenxin said "new tricks"! Online voice customization function: perfect reproduction of personal voice in 2 seconds

    Baidu officially announced the launch of Wenxin Yiyan voice customization function a few days ago. In just 2 seconds, AI can perfectly reconstruct the voice of anyone, and everyone can have their own AI voice optimization. The user only needs to open the Wenxin Yiyan App, select to create an agent, click to create his own voice, and then the system will give a sentence, just read it again in the usual tone. In many cases, they can even understand the emotions in the text, and maintain the emotion, style and naturalness of the original sound to the greatest extent. Therefore, they only need very short samples, which can be completed in a few seconds.

  • Four core dimensions rank first: Baidu Wenxin Yiyan ranks first in the domestic big model!

    Recently, Frost Sullivan, a global growth consulting company, released the 2024 China Large Model Capability Assessment, which conducted an authoritative assessment of 15 major domestic mainstream models. The evaluation results show that Baidu, Tencent, Ali and other Internet giants' big models are in the first echelon, and their comprehensive performance is better than that of start-ups. Sullivan also predicted in the report that in 2024, the technological development of the big model will tend to be multi-functional and miniaturized. At the same time, the industrial end will emphasize that independent research and development and industry standardization ethical responsibilities and data standards will become the key to sustainable development.

  • It is reported that Baidu Wenxin Yiyan will open 2 million to 5 million long text capabilities for free

    The reporter learned from insiders that Baidu is about to open 2 million to 5 million long text capabilities for free. Baidu Wenxin Yiyan will upgrade its version, and then it will open the long text capability, with the text range between 2 million and 5 million. It is hoped that this initiative can bring more convenience and practicality to users and promote the innovation and progress of text processing technology.

  • Robin Li: Baidu Wenxin Yiyan 4.0 Chinese has surpassed ChatGPT 4.0

    A few days ago, Baidu founder Robin Li talked about Baidu Wenxin in CCTV's 2024 "Dialogue on the Beginning of the New Year" program. Li Yanhong said that Wenxin Yiyan 4.0 has surpassed ChatGPT4.0 in Chinese. On August 31, 2023, Wenxin Yiyan will be open to the whole society. According to the latest data released by Baidu, the number of users of Wenxin Yiyan has exceeded 100 million.

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan APP supports one click generation of exclusive digital avatar for free

    At present, Wenxin Yiyan APP is testing the new function of digital avatar. After iOS and Android users upgrade the new version, they can use this function for free, and quickly experience the fun of creating and using digital avatar. The new functions of Wenxin Yiyan APP greatly shorten the time for users to create digital avatars. Users can freely choose whether to disclose their digital avatars to meet the needs of diverse scenarios such as emotional companionship, knowledge seeking and exploration, entertainment and chat.

  • Integrating Baidu Wenxin Yiyan 4.0! Jiyue 01 OTA 1.3 will be launched in the early morning tomorrow

    Integrating Baidu Wenxin Yiyan 4.0! Jiyue 01 OTA 1.3 will be launched in the early morning tomorrow. On January 14, Fast Technology reported that, we learned from the official of Jiyue Auto that the launch of Jiyue 01 OTA 1.3 will start in the early morning of tomorrow, while the launch of OTA1.3.1 will start in batches around the Spring Festival. It is reported that the main upgrade point of 1.3.0, which will be updated tomorrow, is in the cockpit. Smart driving mainly focuses on capacity optimization and the expansion of Kaicheng. The main upgrade of 1.3.1, which was updated before and after the Spring Festival, is Smart Drive, that is, OCC occupies the network. In detail, this update will bring the OCC perception model on board: support the identification of general obstacle boundaries with a certain length such as fences and guardrails; In terms of parking efficiency, the end of the road will be cut off, the extremely narrow parking space will be parked faster, and the extreme parking space will be parked in and out calmly; In terms of driving logic, it is allowed to borrow

  • Gemini revealed that he used Baidu Wenxin to train in Chinese, and netizens were stunned: big companies pull wool from each other??

    Google Gemini Chinese corpus is suspected to come from Wenxin Yiyan??? First, a reader revealed to us that when Google VertexAI platform used this model for Chinese dialogue, Gemini Pro directly said that it was a big model of Baidu language. A microblog, "Big V @ Lanxiye", also posted that Gemini Pro was tested on the Poe platform. In Google AI Studio, Gemini Pro directly pointed out: here, we also verified Baidu Fang and waited for a reply.

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Plug in Mall goes online! One click installation completes PPT generation and audio and video extraction

    On December 14, Fast Technology reported that recently, Baidu officially announced that Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Plug in Mall was officially launched, covering practical scenarios such as office efficiency improvement, multimodal content understanding and generation, and professional information query. After the user installs the plug-in with one click, he can achieve the requirements of PPT generation, audio and video extraction, mind map production and other multi scene and multi-mode situations with simple commands. Wenxin Yiyan Plug in Mall shows that the plug-ins that have been launched at present include PPT generator, illustration, E-word Yitu, AI video assistant, mind map, etc. Among them, the AI video assistant can quickly understand the video content and summarize the outline summary with one click; Mind mapping can be generated, edited and exported online at any time to help you expand your inspiration through AI. It is understood that Wenxin Yiyan Plug in Mall can be located on the home page of Wenxin Yiyan?

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Plug in Mall officially launched to support self-designed plug-ins

    Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Plug in Mall was officially launched. The plug-in covers many practical scenarios, such as office efficiency improvement, multimodal content understanding and generation, professional information query, etc. Users can achieve PPT generation, audio and video extraction, mind map production and other needs through simple instructions. The launch of the plug-in store has brought many super practical plug-ins. For example, the project management Kanban can help users generate a variety of project task views, the mind mapping tool can help users manage ideas, take inspiration, plan and write notes, the PPT generator can generate various presentations in one sentence, and the AI video assistant can quickly understand the video content and generate an outline summary. In addition to using plug-ins, users can also become plug-in designers in plug-in stores to design new plug-in applications.

  • Robin Li: Baidu Wenxin Yiyan is one of the first large-scale language models to realize charging

    In yesterday's financial report conference call, in response to AI related issues, Baidu Chairman and CEO Li Yanhong said that the company's efforts in using generative AI technology to promote advertising business growth, including creative construction, precise delivery, and price optimization, are also working step by step, and the revenue growth will also exceed several hundred million yuan in the fourth quarter. Li Yanhong also said that Wenxin Yiyan 4.0 has been warmly welcomed by users and consumers since its launch. The advertising platform adjustment we are currently trying to complete has achieved remarkable results. We will continue to use generative artificial intelligence and large language model technology to help the advertising team achieve sustainable revenue growth.

  • What does Wenxin Yiyan do? What are the functions of Baidu Wenxin Yiyan 4.0

    Wenxin Yiyan is a new generation of Baidu's big language model for knowledge enhancement. It can interact with people, answer questions, assist in creation, and help people acquire information, knowledge and inspiration efficiently and conveniently. Based on the deep learning platform of flying oars and the large model of Wenxin knowledge enhancement, continuous fusion learning from massive data and large-scale knowledge has the technical characteristics of knowledge enhancement, retrieval enhancement and dialogue enhancement. For more information about Wenxin Yiyan, you can also visit the "Aibase Product Library".

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan has reached 70 million users and 4300 scenarios

    Baidu CTO Wang Haifeng revealed at the Wuzhen Summit that Wenxin Yiyan has reached 70 million users and 4300 scenarios. AI is an important driving force for a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. As the core technology of AI, deep learning has strong versatility and industrial production characteristics. Baidu has also carried out research and development on agent mechanism, plug-in enhancement and other aspects, and coordinated optimization with flying oars. At present, it has verified the path of large-scale model industrialization in Wenxin's large-scale model industry practice.

  • Where is the entrance of Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition? What is the price of the professional edition

    Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition has been officially launched. Now users can use this AI software on the official website or APP client. Where is the entrance to the professional edition and what is the charging price? Let's take a look. Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition charges 59.9 yuan per month, and only 49.9 yuan per month for continuous monthly subscription, providing users with more rich and professional capabilities; At the same time, Wenxin Yiyan Basic Edition, which has been opened to users before, can still be used for free. Wenxin Yiyan, a curious and cool toy that was played at the beginning, is gradually becoming a partner in people's life, playing the role of customer service, assistant and teacher.

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition Go Live Basic Edition Continues to Be Free Netizens: Much cheaper than ChatGPT

    Baidu officially launched Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition, priced at 59.9 yuan/month, with a monthly discount of 49.9 yuan/month, providing users with more diversified and professional capabilities. Compared with the basic version based on Wenxin's big model 3.5, the professional version based on 4.0 has stronger model capability and image generation capability, supports rich practical plug-ins, and is more suitable for users who need to use Wenxin Yiyan for code programming, copywriting, painting design and other professional work needs. Wenxin Yiyan, based on the 3.5 version of Wenxin's big model, was opened to the whole society on August 31, providing two free use modes: official website and App.

  • What are the new functions of Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition What can Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition do

    Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition has begun to accept test qualification applications. Users can find the professional version test portal on the Wenxin Yiyan homepage to apply. What are the new functions of Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition? Let's find out. Li Yanhong said that this is the most powerful Wenxin model so far, which has realized the comprehensive upgrade of the basic model, and has significantly improved the ability of understanding, generation, logic and memory. The comprehensive level is "on par with GPT-4".

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition Test Application Portal Professional Edition Invitation Code Acquisition Method

    Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition has now started testing, and users can directly apply for the professional version of the test qualification. Let's see how to obtain the professional version of the invitation code. [Wenxin Yiyan Professional Edition Invitational Testing] Activity rules You can apply for experience by clicking Wenxin Yiyan official website to enter the activity page. During the activity period, the application for the official website address starts at 9 a.m. every day, and the quota is limited, until the end of collection. Validity period of test invitation The right to test invitation is valid within 30 days from the date of granting the test invitation quota.

  • Baidu Wenxin launched the "professional version test invitation" activity to experience the 4.0 version of Wenxin model in advance

    Baidu Wenxinyiyan launched the "Professional Edition Test Invitation" activity. Users can apply for experience by clicking the official website of Wenxinyiyan to enter the activity page. During the activity, the application starts at 9:00 every morning. The event will be held from October 28, 2023 to October 31, 2023. If you successfully win the test invitation, you can experience the more powerful Wenxin Model 4.0 from that day on. According to the official introduction of Baidu, Wenxin 4.0 has significantly improved its four abilities of understanding, generation, logic and memory, among which the improvement of understanding and generation is similar to that of logic and memory. The improvement of logic is nearly three times that of understanding, and the improvement of memory is more than two times that of understanding.

  • Baidu Wenxinyiyan software copyright approved

    According to the China Copyright Protection Center, the copyright of "Wenxin Yiyan Software" of Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd. was registered and approved on September 13, with the current version number of V1.0.0. On August 31, Baidu Wenxin Yiyan APP announced its full opening to the whole society. Users can download the "Wenxin Yiyan APP" in the app store or log on to the "Wenxin Yiyan official website" to experience.

  • Baidu Wenxin answered more than 33.42 million questions on the first day of opening

    From 0:00 to 24:00 on August 31, Baidu official platform data showed that within 24 hours, Wenxin Yiyan had responded to more than 33.42 million questions from netizens. On August 31, Baidu Wenxin Yiyan APP announced its full opening to the whole society. Become the first Chinese AI native app to top the App Store.

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan: The App Ranks First in Apple's App Store After the Full Opening of the Whole Society

    Today, Baidu Wenxin Yiyan announced that it is open to the whole society, and all users can download Wenxin Yiyan App or experience it on the official website. After Wenxin Yiyan's full opening, the number of app downloads has soared. Wenxin Yiyan's app is currently ranked first in the free app list of Apple's App Store, which is quite popular. At the same time, it has become the first Chinese AI native app to top the app store list. Baidu said that in the past ten years, Baidu has invested more than 140 billion yuan in research and development. The pressure type research and development investment has made Baidu one of the few AI companies in the world with four layers of full stack layout of applications, models, frameworks, and chips. It has achieved end-to-end optimization and has key self-developed technologies leading the industry at all levels.

  • Baidu Wenxinyiyan APP tops the free ranking list of Apple Store after announcing its opening to the whole society

    On August 31, 12 hours after Baidu's "Wenxin Yiyan App" was announced to be open to the whole society, it quickly topped the list of free applications in the Apple Store. Become the first Chinese AI native app to top the App Store. The product supports practical functions such as voice interaction and image information recognition, and has opened the "community" function to support UGC creation and sharing.

  • Baidu Wenxin is the first to be approved to go online and open to the whole society

    Phoenix Science and Technology News On August 30, Wenxin Yiyan will take the lead in opening up to the whole society. Users can download the "Wenxin Yiyan APP" in the app store or log on to the "Wenxin Yiyan official website" to experience. It is understood that Alibaba Tongyi Qianwen, 360 Zhinao and iFLYTEK Spark are not among the first batch of approved models this time, while eight models including Baidu, Byte and Zidong Taichu under the Chinese Academy of Sciences are among them. It is reported that Baidu will also open a batch of AI native applications that have been newly restructured, so that users can fully experience the four core capabilities of generative AI: understanding, generation, logic and memory. On March 16 this year, Wenxin opened the quiz invitation. As the first generative AI product released among the world's major manufacturers, Wenxin Yiyan's basic model Wenxin's big model was first released in China as early as 2019, and the recently upgraded Wenxin's big model 3

  • Baidu Wenxin's Word on Science Popularization: Difference between Nuclear Sewage and Nuclear Wastewater: Different Concepts, Too Much Radioactivity Difference

    At 12:00 on August 24, Beijing time, Japan's nuclear contaminated water officially began to be discharged into the sea. The first phase of the discharge will last for 17 days, with a total discharge of 7800 cubic meters. According to the plan, the discharge will last at least 30 years. It should be noted that the risk of radioactive substances spreading widely with the ocean should be shared by the whole world. Experts say that nuclear sewage is not equal to nuclear waste water, but Japan confuses them. Nuclear sewage is more harmful, containing 64 kinds of nuclear radioactive substances, including tritium.

  • Baidu Wenxin Yiyan online search, Wensheng video, chart making and other five plug-ins

    At yesterday's WAVESUMMIT Deep Learning Developers Conference, Wang Haifeng, Baidu's chief technology officer, said that Wenxin Yiyan has launched Baidu's search, browsing documents The five plug-ins, namely, "Easy to talk", "Graphic to talk" and "One Mirror", enable the model to generate real-time and accurate information, long text summary and Q&A, data insight and chart making, picture based creation and Q&A, and student videos. Wang Haifeng said that Baidu will build a plug-in ecosystem with developers in the future to share technological innovation achievements. Baidu Flying Propeller Platform has attracted 8 million developers, served 220000 enterprises and institutions, and created 800000 models based on Flying Propeller.

  • Tianjin University big model evaluation report: GPT-4 and Baidu Wenxin Yiyan are significantly ahead

    On August 12, Tianjin University and Xinchuang Haihe Laboratory held a large model technology and evaluation seminar, at which the first large model evaluation report was released. The report evaluates the comprehensive Chinese ability of 14 major language models at home and abroad, and the results show that GPT-4 and Baidu Wenxin Yiyan lead in comprehensive performance compared with other models. Baidu has the first mover advantage in the construction of the big model ecology. At present, 150000 enterprises have applied for the Wenxin One Word Test.

  • Lenovo Browser Launches Xiaole AI Assistant: Integrating Baidu Wenxin's One Word Model

    Lenovo Browser released the official version of today, and added the beta version of Xiaole AI Assistant. This AI assistant integrates Baidu's Wenxin one word model. Now download and install a new version of Lenovo Browser. Click the fourth icon on the right sidebar and call out to ask the AI assistant questions.

  • SuperClue: Baidu Wenxin's total score exceeds GPT-3.5-Turbo

    SuperClue, the comprehensive benchmark of Chinese general big model, released the latest ranking list of Chinese big language models. The results of the list show that Baidu Wenxin's total score exceeds GPT-3.5-Turbo, leading the domestic big model. The model effect of the new version is increased by 50%, the training speed is increased by 2 times, and the reasoning speed is increased by 30 times.

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