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From the general model to the industry model, AI agents have been introduced to AI, and AI has started to move from the "altar" to the "world". A number of technology giants have brought AI applications represented by "agents". Ant Group has released three new AI products and launched the independent AI native app "Zhixiaobao". At the same time, it launched the Alipay agent ecological co construction plan and launched the "treasure box" of the agent development platform; Tencent Yuanbao brand intelligent agent zone was officially launched, and 11 partners were invited to settle in the first batch, including Tongcheng, Weimeng, China Resources Sanjiu, etc., to jointly create a high-quality AI intelligent agent application ecosystem; OpenAI has also been disclosed that it plans to launch a new AI code named "Strawberry" this fall, which is of great significance for further building intelligent agents. The Chinese agent market is in a rapid development stage, and the participation of different types of enterprises has injected more vitality into the market. But when the ability of the big model can be further improved to make "agents" truly imaginative and creative, I am afraid it is still necessary to "practice to know"

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