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Reddit announced that it can search for comments in posts

2023-03-01 14:04 · Source: Home of webmaster

Message from webmaster's home (ChinaZ. com) on March 1: A few months ago, Reddit announced that users can search for comments on Reddit on all platforms, but there are still many problems. For example, users can only use the comment tag in the search bar on the platform Search Comments Instead of searching for comments in posts.

At present, the process has been upgraded. On Monday, Reddit announced that users can now search for comments in posts on the desktop, iOS and Android.

 QQ screenshot 20230301140502.png

"You don't have to 'cmd-f' on the post page, you can not expand Comment thread In the case of search comment thread, "a staff member of the website wrote in a post. If there are a lot of comments in the post and these comments are folded, using "cmd-f" or "ctrl-f" is not particularly effective. "There is no longer a long rolling conversation - quickly enter the dialogue you are looking for, and then jump to the place you want."

Its working principle is similar to what you think. In your computer Next to the "Sort" drop-down box below the comment box, you will see a search bar with "Search Comments" written on it. The mobile terminal is a little different: when you are on an article, click the magnifying glass icon in the top bar and search there.


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