Athletic Bilbao
2024.09.01 23:59
zero Not Started zero
La Liga
Ma Deye Competition

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  • Athletic Bilbao
  • Ma Deye Competition
History of confrontation match home team Score result visiting team
2024-04-28 La Liga Ma Deye Competition three - one Athletic Bilbao
2024-03-01 West Cup Athletic Bilbao three - zero Ma Deye Competition
2024-02-08 West Cup Ma Deye Competition zero - one Athletic Bilbao
2023-12-16 La Liga Athletic Bilbao two - zero Ma Deye Competition
2023-02-20 La Liga Ma Deye Competition one - zero Athletic Bilbao
Recent achievements of the home team match home team Score result visiting team
2024-04-28 La Liga Ma Deye Competition three - one Athletic Bilbao
2024-03-01 West Cup Athletic Bilbao three - zero Ma Deye Competition
2024-02-08 West Cup Ma Deye Competition zero - one Athletic Bilbao
2023-12-16 La Liga Athletic Bilbao two - zero Ma Deye Competition
2023-02-20 La Liga Ma Deye Competition one - zero Athletic Bilbao
Future schedule of the home team match home team Score result visiting team
2024-09-01 La Liga Athletic Bilbao zero - zero Ma Deye Competition
2025-03-03 La Liga Ma Deye Competition zero - zero Athletic Bilbao
Recent achievements of the visiting team match home team Score result visiting team
2025-03-03 La Liga Ma Deye Competition zero - zero Athletic Bilbao
2024-09-01 La Liga Athletic Bilbao zero - zero Ma Deye Competition
Future schedule of the visiting team match home team Score result visiting team
2024-09-01 La Liga Athletic Bilbao zero - zero Ma Deye Competition
2025-03-03 La Liga Ma Deye Competition zero - zero Athletic Bilbao