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Take multiple measures to promote high-quality dissemination of the Party's innovative theory

Time: 15:07, January 29, 2024 Source: Guangming Daily

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that "arming the whole party with the innovative theory of the party is the fundamental task of the party's ideological construction", and "improving the system of arming the whole party with the innovative theory of the party, educating the people, and guiding practice". Efficient dissemination of the Party's innovative theory is the key to achieving this important goal. The dissemination of the Party's innovative theory should follow the trend of the times, be bold in pioneering and innovating in the subject, content, channel, mode and object of dissemination, and constantly promote the dissemination of the Party's innovative theory to take new steps.

Continue to make efforts in diversified development, integrated communication and coordinated cooperation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the relationship between traditional media and emerging media, central media and local media, mainstream media and business platforms, mass media and professional media should be well handled in an overall way, so as to form a full media communication system with intensive resources, reasonable structure, differential development, coordination and efficiency". This requires that under the new historical conditions, we should follow the trend, efficiently plan and effectively coordinate all kinds of media to base on the advantages, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and work in the same direction, play the "combination boxing" of the party's innovative theory communication, play the "concerto" well, sing the "grand drama" of the theory, and gradually fundamentally change the "one branch of the traditional media" by constantly enriching and expanding the main body of communication And form a development trend of diversified development, deep integration and mutual coordination.

Steady progress has been made in systematic research, scientific explanation and popular expression. Content is king is the iron law of communication. Only good content can catch people's hearts; Only by grasping people's hearts can it be widely spread. To spread the Party's innovation theory widely and far, the most fundamental thing is to make an article on the content. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that promoting the systematization and rationalization of theory is the internal requirement and important way of theoretical innovation. To follow this principle and take a new step in promoting the dissemination of the Party's innovative theory, it is necessary to strengthen the systematic and holistic study of the Party's innovative theory from the academic basis, practice orientation, international vision, historical dimensions and other aspects, and transform important thoughts and views into knowledge discourse, research paradigm, and academic theory, so as to better provide theoretical support for the theoretical armed work; By changing the style of writing and explaining profound theories in popular words, the masses are willing to listen, understand and really accept, and the dissemination of the Party's innovative theories is moving towards high-quality development.

We will make greater efforts in networking, mobile focus, and social diffusion. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should grasp the trend of mobility, socialization and visualization in the field of international communication, work hard on building a discourse system for external communication, and work hard on being willing to accept and easy to understand, so that more foreign audiences can understand, progress and understand, and constantly improve the effect of external communication. This is of great guiding significance to the dissemination of the Party's innovative theory. With the rapid development and iterative upgrading of digital information technology represented by 5G, big data, cloud computing, and generative artificial intelligence, China's communication ecology has undergone great changes, and communication itself is constantly being redefined. Many researchers even believe that modern communication is network communication, and networked aggregation is the general trend. In this context, the dissemination of the Party's innovative theory is also increasingly carried out on the Internet. According to the latest data from China Internet Network Information Center, as of June 2023, the number of Internet users in China has reached 1.079 billion, the number of mobile Internet users has reached 1.076 billion, and the proportion of Internet users using mobile phones to access the Internet is 99.8%, which means that network communication shows a trend of focusing on mobile terminals. To promote high-quality communication of the Party's innovative theory, we must adapt to the new communication ecology, conform to the new communication laws, advance into the mobile terminal and win the Internet. Spreading to social media is a new entry point for the dissemination of the Party's innovative theory. At present, social media applications are booming, and the social attribute of mobile Internet applications is constantly increasing, showing strong inclusiveness, and becoming a new platform for communication theory and consensus building. The "newspaper, office and website" of mainstream media should constantly adapt to the new communication ecology, grasp the latest communication laws, be good at seizing opportunities, actively seek innovation and change, open accounts on social media platforms such as WeChat, Weibo and Diaoyin, use "online language" and "micro language" to speak "party language", and constantly "circle fans" in the "key to key" and "screen to screen" online The new generation attracts "Generation Z" and constantly improves the Party's ability to disseminate innovative theories.

Have the courage to explore in lightweight presentation, visual communication, and flow driven. In the era of mobile Internet, content is connected with traffic, and traffic is related to people's hearts. Especially in the era of screen reading, the right to choose and judge content has been largely transferred to the audience. It is a vivid portrayal of the current communication ecology from "good wine is not afraid of deep alley" to "no one is afraid of coming". To do well in the Party's propaganda and ideological work under the new situation, we must have Internet thinking, as well as the dissemination of the Party's innovative theory. On the one hand, the Internet has greatly changed people's reading scenes, and information dissemination is more likely to enter people's work and life through anytime, anywhere, short and vigorous forms. To carry out high-quality communication of the Party's innovative theory, we must change the strain, let the thick theory spread in light weight, reach the audience faster, and better unite the people. On the other hand, the essence of visualization is a three-dimensional presentation process integrating vision, hearing, touch and other senses. There is considerable "growth space" for the dissemination of the Party's innovative theory in this regard. The media at all levels should take the initiative to use the latest information technology and take advantage of its visual communication advantages to transform words into images, abstract into concrete, rational into emotional, static into dynamic, meaningful into interesting, so as to overcome the "monotony" of traditional theory communication to the maximum extent, Dig a "new tunnel" for the effective dissemination of theory, and let the theory go straight to the "main battlefield".

Achieve good results in focus research, differentiated push and interactive communication. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we should adapt to the trend of mass and differentiated communication and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of public opinion guidance", "where the readers and audience are, the tentacles of publicity and reporting should be extended, and the focus and foothold of propaganda and ideological work should be placed". The mobile Internet era is an era of information explosion. From "people looking for information" to "information looking for people", there is no lack of information, but the lack of audience attention. The competition among the media, in the final analysis, is the competition for the audience's attention. How to make information find people and move people is the key to the problem. How can the Party's innovation theory spread to people, persuade people and infect people become the core of the problem. The concept of mass focused communication is a key step to accurately grasp the needs of the audience in the information age. It is necessary to rely on the algorithm advantages of the latest information technology, deeply mine data resources, analyze the "preferences" of the audience and give them "accurate portraits", use the algorithm distribution mode, aim at "theoretical hot spots" and "ideological knots", and produce and push "the most wandering theory" and "the most effective theory". Differentiation is the "private customization" of the audience after "tailoring". It puts forward very high requirements for communication content, communication channels, communication methods and other aspects. It is necessary to customize the content and choose the presentation method according to the needs of the audience, and provide the audience with "the most intimate theory" and "the most understanding of my theory". The biggest impact of interactivity on communication ecology is to change the linear one-way transmission pattern of "I say you listen" in the era of traditional media. In the era of "everyone has a microphone", new media without interaction will lose their soul. Emotional and grounded interaction is increasingly becoming an important means to strengthen "user stickiness", Interactive communication is becoming a new communication mode of the Party's innovative theory. We should make full use of the forms of online posts, comments, likes, forwarding, questions and answers to promote the multiple dissemination of the party's innovative theory after "processing", and more importantly, we should constantly innovate the communication concept and presentation method, try to attract more and more theorists with rich forms and diverse expressions, and bring the party's innovative theory to every corner of the great motherland, Give full play to the positive role of theory in strengthening confidence, gathering people's hearts, warming people's hearts and building a common heart, and create a good ideological atmosphere for vigorously promoting Chinese modernization.

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