-The Ancient Courtyard Transforms into an Open air Cinema The Capital Museum Creates a "Movie Night" -Symposium on the 10th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Literature and Art Critics Association was held -The "Little Drama Bone" in the Bay Area Performs Cantonese Opera, Red Bean Sprouts Celebrate the "June 1st" -Beijing Opera's first immersive cross yue opera, Beijing Auction, premiered in Beijing -Zhangzhou, Fujian Province Held Public Welfare Activity of Popularization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture for Youth in Zhangtai -Initiation of "Youth Copyright Protection Season" -Coordinates of Civilization | Phoenix Ancient City, the "Pearl of Western Hunan" -Cross Strait Ceramic Art Exhibition Opens 180 Ceramic Works Exhibition Beauty of Chinese Porcelain Charm -2024 "June 1" Program of China Central Radio and Television Station: Revitalizing the Future -The Expert Consensus on the Operation and Management of Human Milk Warehouse in the Yangtze River Delta Region was launched in Shanghai -The musical Chasing Dreams of the General Cultural and Industrial Troupe premiered in Beijing to show the history of China's railway entrepreneurship -300 Chinese and Russian paintings of children and children are displayed in China -New themes and new narratives open up new paths The creation forum of My Altay was held -16000 Lushan poems are "first published" on the whole network today! -Culture in China | Version Resource quantity and quality increase Panoramic presentation of Chinese excellent traditional culture -"Yunnan folk songs are sung by everyone", visitors to Wenshan enjoy flowers and listen to the sounds of nature -The debut concert of Qinglan Fuguo Orchestra's new album "Yan You Tan" was held -2024 Exhibition ceremony of "See China, Foreign Youth Image Plan, Shaanxi Tour" was held -Exploration on the Integration of Culture+Education Programs Shandong Satellite TV Super Language Course Seminar Held -"Returning Stars" Zhang Xinxin's Solo Concert Held in Taiyuan
China Singapore has a chat
Bi Shumin, a writer, saw his "obituary"
Culture and History Expo
The Collection of Guangdong Provincial Museum, Bronze and Coin Rolls
The manuscript of Yu Yue, a famous scholar at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was first published in Hangzhou
ICIF Expands Its "Circle of Friends" Overseas Exhibitors: Hope to Come Again
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