-Liu Wensong responds to Jing Long's bold words in the weighing ceremony that he will defeat his opponent on the court -Cao Xinyu won the Guangdong Women's Open Golf Women's China Tour -In 2024, Beijing Traditional Sports School Aerobics Competition will be held -NBL new season: Hong Kong Taurus vs. Wuhan Kunpeng on June 21 -Qinghai Xining Kunlun Football Club Blows the Horn for the Champions League -World Snooker Tour will welcome many new Chinese players in the new season -Chinese Women's Volleyball Coach Cai Bin: Zhu Ting is scheduled to start in Hong Kong -Qinghai Lake Race will start on July 7 -Boerzingis returns, Celtic wins the first game of the finals -The story of Fuzhou Longzhou Village: "We are all 'descendants of the dragon'" -The Chinese men's football team can only "continue to fight" after losing the chance to qualify -The national football team's "self abolishing martial arts" missed the opportunity to advance. It can't be like this against the South Korean team -2024 French Open: Sviatek and Paulini reach the women's singles finals -Indonesia Badminton Open: Chen Yufei, the new female doubles player, swept the third place in the world, and won 14 consecutive games in Ohiro -In the World Preliminaries, the National Football Team drew with Thailand at home against South Korea in the last round of life and death battle -The national football team lost the initiative in the World Preliminaries when they drew 1-1 with Thailand -World Cup qualifier: China Hong Kong lost to Iran 2-4 -88 retired excellent athletes from Shanghai went to the new arena of life -Seven departments of Heilongjiang Province jointly protect the intellectual property rights of the Asian Winter Games in an all-round way -Xinke World No. 1 Sinar will participate in the 2024 China Open
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