Little New Talkshow: Lhasa Drepung Temple Restarts the Sherton Festival

Release time: 21:35, August 17, 2023 Source: China News Network

The Sheraton Festival, which means to eat yogurt in Tibetan, is also known as the Buddha Festival, because Drepung Temple displays large Thangka on the first day of the Sheraton Festival. Buddha exhibition is also one of the most solemn activities of the annual Lhasa Shelton Festival. Hundreds of monks, escorted by believers, carried huge Thangkas to the Buddha exhibition platform at the back of the temple. There are two sets of giant Thangkas for the exhibition Buddha in Drepung Temple, which are Sakyamuni Buddha Thangkas and Qiangba Buddha Thangkas. The two Thangkas are used alternately every other year for protection. Qiangba Buddha is also called the Buddha of the Future. Zhan Yang also means to look forward to a better future.

Editor in charge: [Cao Miaoxin]

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