East West | Sui Xiaofei: Why is the Tai Chi White Dragon Ball "Fan" in Europe?

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East West | Sui Xiaofei: Why is the Tai Chi White Dragon Ball "Fan" in Europe?

21:03, May 31, 2024 Source: China News Network
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   China News Service Berlin, May 31: Why is the Tai Chi White Dragon Ball in Europe?

——Interview with Sui Xiaofei, President of the European Tai Chi White Dragon Ball Association

   China News Service Reporter Ma Xiuxiu

At the beginning of June, the European Taiji White Dragon Association will welcome the 2024 annual training activity in Bensheim, Hessen, Germany. At that time, Tai Chi white dragon ball lovers from different countries and races will gather together to learn skills and exchange trends.

Sui Xiaofei, president of the European Tai Chi White Dragon Ball Association, introduced the sport to Europe in 2005. What is the relationship between Tai Chi White Dragon Ball and Chinese Tai Chi? How has it developed since entering Europe? Why do you continue to "circle fans" in Europe? Recently, Sui Xiaofei accepted China News Service Exclusive interview of "asking about things".

   The interview is summarized as follows:

   China News Service Reporter: Can you share your story with Tai Chi White Dragon Ball? What prompted you to introduce it to Europe?

   Sui Xiaofei: My relationship with Tai Chi White Dragon Ball is related to my father. My father came to Germany in the 1980s. He was very interested in Chinese martial arts, shadowboxing, traditional Chinese medicine and health preservation, and turned this interest into a career. As far as Germany is concerned, most of the enlightenment about Taijiquan and Qigong was promoted by him. Against this background, I got to know the inventor of the Chinese Softball and the teacher Bai Rong in Jinzhong, Shanxi Province through my father's introduction in 2003.

As I grew up in Germany, I was particularly interested in ball games. When I was young, I especially liked playing football, table tennis and badminton. After seeing this sport called Taiji Softball in China, I was deeply attracted by the "lead" and "send" movements in this sport. So I learned from Mr. Bai Rong for about three or four years.

In 2005, we began to promote the establishment of the Taiji White Dragon Ball Association in Germany, and invited Bai Rong to give lectures. The original intention of introducing this sport to Europe was very simple, because the people who practiced Taijiquan or Qigong at that time were only a small group in Europe, which was relatively cold, and people didn't know much about it. I think that if the elements of the ball are integrated into it, it may better convey the traditional Chinese cultural thought of overcoming hardness with softness and combining yin and yang.

Sui Xiaofei, president of the European Tai Chi White Dragon Ball Association, demonstrated the white dragon ball. Photograph provided by respondents

   China News Service Reporter: What is the relationship between Tai Chi White Dragon Ball and Chinese Tai Chi? How is its development in Europe influenced by Chinese and Western culture?

   Sui Xiaofei: The theory and core idea of Tai Chi White Dragon Ball is consistent with the concept of Tai Chi Boxing, which uses softness to overcome hardness and the combination of yin and yang, including a series of continuous soft body movements, driving the whole breath and rhythm through ideas, etc.

When Westerners see this sport, without any explanation, many people will think about whether it is a combination of Taijiquan and tennis. Then through further observation, they find that they can interact well without any attack or confrontation in the process of competition. Therefore, this sport combines western equipment and Chinese traditional culture.

As far as the name is concerned, the development of Taiji White Dragon Ball in Europe also has the factor of "adjusting measures to local conditions". It was originally called Tai Chi soft ball in China, but we found that if we transliterate the word "soft ball" and promote it with "Roli", it is easy to be associated with the word "wheelchair" by Westerners, thus being mistaken as a sport suitable for the disabled. Therefore, after communicating with the inventor Bai Rong, we named this sport "White Dragon Ball" in Europe. First of all, white dragon and white banyan sound a little similar, and the image of dragon also represents the adaptability and diversity of this sport. In addition, the pronunciation of "white dragon" is relatively easy.

The performance of the softball project at the launching ceremony of the main venue of the 2018 "National Fitness Day in New Era" and "National Fitness Day" in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Photographed by Liu Xin

   China News Service Reporter: How do you promote the development of Taiji White Dragon Ball in Europe? What is the current development of the sport in Europe?

   Sui Xiaofei: One person's strength is far from enough. We have received the support of many diehard fans in the promotion process. In 2008, I compiled and published a German version of the Tai Chi White Dragon Ball course, which introduced the sport from the cultural background, sports principles and concepts, and became a textbook for systematic teaching of Tai Chi White Dragon Ball. In addition, through DVD and other media means, we have attracted the interest and attention of some sports teachers, sports coaches and other groups, who will spread as ambassadors. Later, with the blessing of the Internet, we gained some fans in different European countries. After years of development, the Tai Chi White Dragon Ball has been spread to France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Austria, Ukraine, Russia and other countries.

We also organized and held six European Tai Chi White Dragon Championships to promote the event according to western standards. We position this sport as more suitable for the health of the whole people, focusing on hobbies. Every year, we will hold an exchange meeting to invite people from different countries to come and learn from each other. For example, the first weekend of October every year is the World Tai Chi White Dragon Ball Day selected by us. Activities will be held online and offline.

According to the sales volume of equipment, there are about 20000 to 25000 people in Europe, most of whom are intellectuals, most of whom are teachers and doctors. They are often willing to accept new things, can appreciate the beauty of this sport, and can realize its health benefits.

The coaches of the European Taiji White Dragon Ball Association participated in the promotion of national fitness sports promoted by German medical insurance. Image source: Witters

   China News Service Reporter: What efforts has the European Taiji White Dragon Ball Association made in promoting sports exchanges between China and foreign countries? What is the future development goal?

   Sui Xiaofei: Since its establishment, the European Taiji White Dragon Ball Association has held training courses every year, and everyone takes this opportunity to improve technology and exchange new trends. During the epidemic, the training course was held online, and will be restarted in 2023. For many years, the Federation has kept in touch with different relevant institutions in China and actively hosted and organized international events. The campaign is also promoted by updating the official website and social media platform from time to time in various forms, such as text, pictures and videos. At present, the communication languages cover Russian, German, English, etc.

In the long run, we still hope that Tai Chi White Dragon Ball will one day become an Olympic or other world-class sports event. In this regard, we are also trying to formulate corresponding regulations. From a closer perspective, we hope that every country in Europe can set up a branch to build a more complete organization and structure for the development of this sport in Europe, and to develop this sport systematically and continuously.

At the first Beijing International Softball Exchange Conference, the Russian performing troupe showed its own set of tricks. Photograph provided by respondents

   China News Service Reporter: What role do you think sports exchanges play in promoting mutual understanding between different cultures? What are your prospects for the future of Chinese and foreign sports exchanges?

   Sui Xiaofei: Sports have no borders, and often play a reconciliation or good ice breaking role in exchanges between different countries and ethnic groups, because sports need interaction. The participants and trainers of our Taiji White Dragon Ball European training activities are often from different countries. The Chinese want to learn German football, and the Germans want to learn Chinese table tennis. Folk sports exchanges are the way to enhance mutual understanding between the two countries. Through interaction and participation, both parties can enhance their understanding of each other's national culture and other aspects.

I hope that every country can invest better and more public resources in sports exchanges in the future. At present, many resources are investment oriented, which is not conducive to the popularization of sports and the wider international exchanges. Only through communication and interaction can mutual understanding be improved. (End)

   Interviewee Profile:

   Sui Xiaofei, President of the European Tai Chi White Dragon Ball Association. In 2003, he learned from Bai Rong, the inventor of Tai Chi Soft Ball, and introduced Tai Chi White Dragon Ball to Europe. At present, he is mainly responsible for organizing, planning and promoting Chinese sports culture and promoting sports exchanges and interaction between China and Europe.

[Editor: Liu Yanghe]
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