"Tuan Tuan" specimens of giant pandas donated by the mainland to Taiwan are on display in Taipei

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"Tuan Tuan" specimens of giant pandas donated by the mainland to Taiwan are on display in Taipei

19:41, May 17, 2024 Source: China News Network
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   China News Service Taipei, May 17 - The giant panda "Tuan Tuan" specimen, which died of illness the year before last, was unveiled at the Taipei Municipal Zoo on May 17, attracting people to make a special trip to the zoo. Some people said they were "moved to see the specimen".

According to the reports of the Central News Agency, Zhongshi News Network, Lianhe Daily and other Taiwan media, the Taipei Municipal Zoo held the opening ceremony of the "Endangered Animal Story Hall" on the same day, and the most popular specimen of giant panda, "Tuan Tuan", was also officially unveiled on the same day.

Chen Yichong, director of Taipei Municipal Zoo, said that animals leaving the world only leave their bodies, but their spirit will stay, and the stories they want to express can also stay in people's hearts.

Tuan Tuan was born in Wolong, Sichuan on September 1, 2004. As a gift from the mainland to Taiwan, it arrived in Taiwan with Yuan Yuan in December 2008, which is very popular among Taiwan people. On November 19, 2022, "Tuan Tuan" died of illness in Taipei. The Taipei Municipal Zoo has kept the samples of its fur, bones, frozen sperm and fibroblasts, and decided to make morphological specimens in its most natural form, and invited Lin Wenlong, a taxidermist who had once peeled specimens for the elephant "Lin Wang", to make them.

The park's "Endangered Animal Story Hall" is expected to officially open in autumn. In the future, the morphological specimens of animals such as pangolins, turtles, koalas and black legged penguins will also be disclosed in the exhibition area. (End)

[Editor: Liu Huan]
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