Thirty year old and new presidents of Fuzhou TV Station Association recall the story of pursuing dreams

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Thirty year old and new presidents of Fuzhou TV Station Association recall the story of pursuing dreams

12:05, May 17, 2024 Source: China News Network
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Video: Cross Strait Exchange and Sharing Meeting Fuzhou Held to Listen to the Voice of Taiwan Youth Source: China News Network

   China News Service Fuzhou, May 17, by wire: 30 years old and new presidents of Fuzhou Radio and Television Association recall stories of pursuing dreams

   China News Service Reporter Yan Xu

At the 26th Cross Strait Economic and Trade Fair (hereinafter referred to as "the Fair") being held in Fuzhou, the new and old presidents of the Fuzhou Association of Taiwanese Investment Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "the Fuzhou Association of Taiwanese Investment Enterprises") recalled the past and told the story of their rooting in Fuzhou to pursue their dreams and work hard.

On May 16, the 26th Cross Strait Economic and Trade Fair was opened in Fuzhou. Successive presidents of Fuzhou Taiwan Association reviewed the warm heart story rooted in Fuzhou.   China News Service Photographed by reporter Lv Ming

   Let Taiwan sisters have a home in the mainland

Chen Xiurong was the president of the 10th Fuzhou Taiwan Association and the first woman Taiwan Association president in Fujian Province.

In 1989, Chen Xinwei, the father of Chen Xiurong, set up Xianshi Enterprise in Fuzhou, and successively built Xianshi Department Store and Xianshi Building. In her father, Chen Xiurong saw courage and boldness, felt the charm of business, and saw the vast world of Taiwanese businessmen in the mainland.

As a female Taiwanese businessman, Chen Xiurong not only pursues commercial success in this hot land on the mainland, but also hopes to contribute to cross-strait exchanges and cooperation.

So in 1998, she led the establishment of the "Hand in Hand Home", a Taiwanese women's organization, with the original intention of letting the sisters from Taiwan have a warm home in the mainland. Today, this "Hand in Hand Home" has gradually developed into a platform for cross Strait women's exchange and cooperation.

As a "parent", Chen Xiurong always pays attention to the connection and understanding of women in "Rong and Taiwan" and leads her sisters to participate in various public welfare activities. "The unique tenderness and care of women have made us play a unique role in public welfare undertakings," she said.

During the decades of "landing", Chen Xiurong witnessed the struggle and growth of female Taiwanese businessmen. "Women on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have the ability to write their own wonderful chapters." She believes that women can work together to give full play to their wisdom and strength by building a demonstration area for cross Straits integrated development and promoting cross Straits exchanges and cooperation.

   Receive the first Taiwan resident residence permit in Fujian

Chen Jiannan, the father of Chen Yiting, was one of the Taiwanese businessmen who came to Fuzhou to invest in the early years. In the early 1990s, he invested and founded Fuhua Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. In 1997, Chen Yiting came to Fuzhou to help his father run an enterprise.

"I am from Fuzhou, Taiwan, the island of treasure." Chen Yiting, who has lived in Fuzhou for 27 years, has long regarded it as "the second hometown". "The rich labor resources and broad market in the mainland provide endless space for development. Over the past 30 years, our enterprise has made great progress and has always been a major taxpayer in Jin'an District, Fuzhou City."

Showing the first residence permit for Taiwan residents in Fujian Province that he received, he said: "Now in Fujian, Taiwan compatriots enjoy many convenient policies. This residence permit has brought great convenience to our life, travel, finance and public services in the mainland." Chen Yiting has been committed to sharing his life experience in Fuzhou with more young Taiwanese.

While continuing his father's career, Chen Yiting actively participated in the cause of building a platform for Taiwan compatriots to promote Rong Taiwan exchanges and encourage Taiwanese youth to start businesses and find jobs in Rong. He was re elected as the 11th and 12th president of Fuzhou Municipal Taiwan Association, and now is the honorary president of Fuzhou Municipal Taiwan Association. "I will continue to be a good 'guide'".

   More and more second generation Taiwanese businessmen come to the fore

Today, just like Chen Xiurong and Chen Yiting, more and more Taiwanese businessmen of the second generation have inherited their father's business, and have emerged in the economic and social development of Fuzhou and even the mainland. Jiang Peiqi, the current president of Fuzhou Taiwan Association, is also a "second generation of Taiwan".

"No matter how long the shadow of the tree is, its roots will always be rooted in the soil." In the early 1990s, Jiang Peiqi followed her father Jiang Qibi back to his hometown, Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City, to start a business. She is now leading her team and enterprises to promote the integrated and innovative development of big health industry and big data, big ecology, and big tourism, and to provide more high-quality and convenient health services for compatriots on both sides of the Straits.

Over the past 30 years, the number of Taiwan enterprises that are members of Fuzhou Taiwan Association has grown from 162 when the association was founded to nearly 400 now. Jiang Peiqi said that she hoped to play the role of "mentoring" through this platform, and build a bridge to enhance cross-strait friendship and promote economic and trade cooperation.

The Digital Economy Integration and Development Promotion Office of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation Industry Working Committee has landed in Fuzhou Taiwan Association, which is an important work achievement after Jiang Peiqi took over the presidency. This office is composed of experts and scholars from both sides of the Taiwan Straits to form a special working group to promote the cooperation and development of the digital economy and inject new vitality into cross-strait economic and trade cooperation.

"Looking ahead, the prospect of cross-strait economic and trade cooperation is broad and the potential is huge," said Jiang Peiqi. (End)

[Editor: Cao Miaoxin]
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