[Question from East to West] Li Xixie: The restart of the China Japan ROK Leaders' Meeting is of great significance

Release time: 15:23, May 25, 2024 Source: China News Network

2024 is the 25th anniversary of the launch of the China Japan ROK cooperation mechanism. From May 26 to 27, China, Japan and the ROK will hold a leadership meeting in Seoul. China News Agency's "East West Question" recently gave an exclusive interview to Li Xixie, Secretary General of the China Japan ROK Cooperation Secretariat (hereinafter referred to as the "Secretariat"), to discuss the opportunities and potential of cooperation among China, Japan and the ROK.

Li Xixie said that in the past 20 years, despite the ups and downs of bilateral relations, the three countries have still made remarkable progress in a wide range of fields such as economy and trade, social culture, political security, youth exchanges, sports, and people to people and cultural exchanges.

China Japan ROK cooperation has gradually established a cooperation system with the leaders' meeting as the core and 21 ministerial meetings, senior officials' meetings and more than 70 working level mechanisms as the support, and actively carried out more than 100 practical exchange and cooperation projects. Among them, the most important thing is to reach a political agreement through the trilateral leaders' meeting, which has also become the biggest driving force for the common development of the three countries.

It is believed that this trilateral leaders' meeting will become an important occasion to explore mutual cooperation programs and discuss the direction of future cooperation, and also an opportunity to improve bilateral relations. (Produced by Liu Xu and Wang Dongqian, Wang Jiayi)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]

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