New rambling comment: NATO's hand is getting longer and longer after 75 years of establishment

New rambling comment: NATO's hand is getting longer and longer after 75 years of establishment

21:46, April 4, 2024 Source: China News Network
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April 4, 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). As a relic of the Cold War, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, NATO should have withdrawn from history long ago, but it has extended its hand longer and longer, causing turbulence and risks in many parts of the world.

Tearing off the mask of its so-called "defensive alliance", NATO is just an ugly "octopus" still holding zero sum game and confrontation thinking: by selling security anxiety and exaggerating military confrontation, NATO extends its "tentacles" to the world to seek geopolitical self-interest. From Afghanistan to Libya, the flames of war are raging, and there are always NATO fanning the flames and adding fuel to the flames, fearing that the world will not be chaotic.

History has proved that the trend of the times of peaceful development and win-win cooperation is unstoppable. Moving against the tide is bound to pay a price. The dangerous act of NATO obsessed with group politics and cross-border expansion of power should cease!

[Editor: Kong Qingling]
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