New rambling comment: When will American political manipulation stop in the name of "democracy" and the reality of confrontation?

New rambling comment: When will American political manipulation stop in the name of "democracy" and the reality of confrontation?

17:25, March 24, 2024 Source: China News Network
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On March 20, the so-called third "Democracy Summit" led by the United States ended in Seoul, South Korea. The so-called "democratic summit" is just another political manipulation of the United States in the name of "democracy" to undermine the reality of democracy. There are few participants in the summit, and it is doomed that no substantive results will be achieved.

The democratic system of the United States has already deviated from the democratic core, and gradually alienated and transformed. Despite its own problems, the United States did not reflect on itself, but treated itself internally and externally. The impulse to export American democracy and values to the outside world continued to run high and even became obsessed. After the embarrassing end of the first two so-called "democratic summits", the United States outsourced the third to South Korea. On the same day, several South Korean civil society groups held a rally in downtown Seoul to protest.

Since its debut in 2021, the so-called "Democracy Summit" has ended in a dismal manner amid the voices of controversy and doubt. The United States has used the so-called "democratic summit" to make repeated efforts to serve as a global democratic leader, instigate world division, create camp confrontation, reap global wealth, and maintain its own hegemony. The Democracy Summit has become a Demon race Summit. What the world needs today is not a "democratic summit" that plays up confrontation and is not conducive to working together to meet global challenges, but a solidarity conference aimed at solving outstanding problems facing the international community.

[Editor: Fu Zihao]
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