The East Hall of Shanghai Museum welcomed the first million visitors

Release time: 10:50, May 17, 2024 Source: China News Network

On the afternoon of May 16, the East Hall of Shanghai Museum welcomed the first million visitors, and Chu Xiaobo, the curator of Shanghai Museum, presented the catalogue to him.

Shangbo East Hall has become one of the most popular cultural landmarks in Shanghai since its opening on February 2 this year and the trial opening of some exhibition halls.

On the same day, the "Shining Star China: Sanxingdui Jinsha Ancient Shu Civilization Exhibition" on display in the museum was very popular, and the on-site audience was enthusiastic about "clocking in" cultural relics.

It is reported that in order to further improve the reception capacity and service level of the East Hall, the opening of the East Hall of Shangbo will be suspended from May 21 to the end of June, and the relevant exhibition halls will enter the rush stage of decoration construction, equipment commissioning and cultural relics exhibition.

After reopening at the end of June, the open space of Shangbo East Hall will further expand to about 80%. (Reporter Wang Gu Production Fee Fan)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]

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