Bad reputation, blame Yang Mi?

Bad reputation, blame Yang Mi?

23:20, May 17, 2024 Source: China News Network
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   China News Network Beijing, May 17 - More than half a month from May 1, the May 1st film is still on the cinema, except for "Nothing Can Be Solved by Hot Pot" (hereinafter referred to as "Hot Pot").

This absurd comedy film, which was withdrawn from the file five days after its release and launched on the video platform in a flash, is 100 times more absurd and funny outside the play than in the play.

I believe that if we look back at the film market in 2024 in a few years, Hot Pot will definitely be on the list.

Poster of "Nothing Can Be Solved by One Hot Pot"

   Word of mouth box office battle

Half a month later, the director Ding Sheng was still wearing the cultural shirt of the film "fighting alone".

Ding Sheng is still "fighting alone"

He tells the details of the film shooting in a film style, thanks the film reviewers who wrote good reviews, and blackmails some netizens who gave bad reviews. The reason for pulling black is that they vomit fragrance and weird.

Ding Sheng Acknowledges Online Friends of Lahei

On the 12th, Ding Sheng sent an article saying that after the film was released in North America, a friend transferred the film reviews from professional film critics and ordinary audiences in the United States, "I'm glad that foreign audiences can understand and enjoy the movie watching process, and perhaps the best result is to make more people feel good."

This micro blog has been edited twice. But because of the word "also", netizens continue to accuse him of "the movie is not good, blame domestic audiences for not understanding it?"

Ding Sheng repeatedly edited this microblog and added a "also"

Only on the video platform, netizens reached a consensus from another dimension: members can watch the new film for free when the file is just removed, which is more conscientious than other new films charged 6 yuan.

From Ding Sheng's perspective, this mood of "fighting for the works" is understandable.

Objectively speaking, the film lineup is quite good, with the flow of Yang Mi and the comedy of Yu Qian; The theme is also in line with the elements of commercial blockbusters, mixing suspense, corruption, infidelity and murder; The film will be released in May 1st, the best film in the whole year; The director also designed many details, including several layers of curtains, broken doors, and how many foreshadows there are in the plot

However, the total box office of Hot Pot was only 54.34 million, and the score of Douban was also reduced from 6.2 in May 1st to 5.5.

The score of Hot Pot is dropping all the way

There is a sense of powerlessness that the effort is more or less in vain. Who can be more or less anxious.

Public praise and box office are all on the street. To whom should the pot of Hot Pot be dumped?

   Who is the "culprit"?

As a traffic agent, Yang Mi was the first to be bombarded. Writer Wang Hailin publicly commented that "the spirit of effort is 7 or 8 points, but the effect of effort is 5 points."

According to an earlier report, Yang Mi specially brought Guo Ertai, the acting teacher, into the group in order to better shape the role; In the process of shooting, she took the initiative to create details - in the promotional copy, she took the initiative to add incomplete nail details; As well as being praised and respected by Ding Sheng, "every day everyone finishes work, Yang Mi has to find a hairdresser to dye her hair."

Still photo of Yang Mi's red hair
Materials for Hot Pot

However, these efforts, which were highly publicized, almost completely overturned.

Many fans questioned Yang Mi's teaching in Guoertai's comment area, "Don't teach her to act with her mouth". However, some netizens think that the promotional materials for nail enhancement and the red hair of Yaoji are an affront of "being superior". "That kind of red is not cheap to dye".

Fans are dissatisfied with Guo Ertai's teaching of Yang Mi

However, it would be too harsh to leave "Hot Pot" to Yang Mi. After all, the film is a collective art, and every performance detail of the actors has been approved by the director.

After the film was withdrawn from the file, Ding Sheng took his work back to his alma mater, Beiying, to talk with director Xie Fei. He believes that the problem of box office failure lies in the difficulty of publicity and the threshold of watching movies.

Director Xie was also impolite, pointing out that the reason why the film publicity could not be found was that the type was unclear. "Unclear suspense, unfocused jokes, and unfocused sensationalism may cause the publicity could not be found."

This debate is once again on the hot search. Xie Fei rushed out to "fight the fire" and said Ding Sheng was his student. The film has its merits. Please don't use "words" as articles to engage in cyber violence. Then, Xie Fei gave a three star evaluation of Hot Pot.

The dialogue between Xie Fei and Ding Sheng is popular
Xie Fei sent an explanation afterwards

Maybe he thought that too much talk is too much to lose. When asked about his views on domestic films by China Singapore Culture and Entertainment, the 81 year old declined to interview with "rarely going to the cinema": "You should not show up when you retire."

   Reflect industry chaos

The many failures of "Hot Pot" reflect the strange image of many domestic films at present: the audience is blamed for the publicity, but not for themselves.

As a commodity, the success of a movie depends on its emotional value to the audience and its empathy. However, unfortunately, many films are created in pursuit of star line-up and dog blood level. They seem to be stories around, but in fact they are divorced from the masses.

There is an episode in Hot Pot: the hot pot delivery clerk, played by Li Jiuxiao, will not leave after delivering the meal and will have to dance at the customer's house. This story makes people want to call the police.

Not to mention the main line of the film: a group of people who do not know each other, because of a second withdrawal of WeChat, inexplicably get together to drink tea and play mahjong to plot bad things, and finally find that everyone is inextricably linked.

The whole movie revolves around this message withdrawn in seconds

The whole movie is full of too many illogical places. It is not all the villains, but all the abnormal people.

There are many films like Hot Pot. They try to mystify for suspense and blend in for comedy. The characters have no details to support their personalities. In Naying's words, the significance of the existence of some characters is just to play a role in modeling. When the plot is not good, we hope that the traffic will be reduced by the sky, either by the actors, or by the schedule, or by "fraudulent marketing".

Such routine is not uncommon. But the reality is that sincerity and earnestness are the key to the popularity of the film. If you don't accept the suggestions of the audience, you will be beaten by the market.

Returning to "Hot Pot" itself, I want to tell the director that one hot pot meal can't really solve the problem of "Nothing can't be solved by one hot pot meal". If it's not delicious, it can't be solved by several meals.

[Editor: Cao Zijian]
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