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Lei Feng's Life Chronicle


December 18 (November 20 in the lunar calendar): born in Jianjiatang, Wangcheng County, Hunan Province (now Leifeng Street, Wangcheng District, Changsha City), a poor peasant family, named Lei Zhengxing.


From 1943 to 1947, grandfather, father, brother, brother and mother died one after another, and they became orphans under the age of seven. He was adopted by his sixth uncle and other relatives.


April May: In order to welcome the liberation, revolutionary slogans were posted around Yingwan Town, Changsha City.

August: Changsha was peacefully liberated and served as the head of the Children's League of Wangyue Township.


Xia: Peng Desmao, head of Anqing Township, sent him to Longhuitang Primary School to study for free. Later, they went to Shangchemiao Primary School and Xiangjiachong Primary School respectively.


September: admitted to Qingshuitang for completion.

Qiu: Joined the Young Pioneers of China and was elected as a member of the squadron.


Spring: transferred to Heyeba Elementary School (now Leifeng School in Changsha) to study in Grade 5.

May: elected as a member of the Young Pioneers Brigade of Heyeba Primary School.

October: Participate in the literacy campaign in Anqing Township, Wangcheng County (founded by Changsha County in May 1951), and work as a "little gentleman" at night school for farmers.


July 15: Graduated from Heyeba Primary School. Speaking at the graduation ceremony, he was determined to be a "good farmer", "good worker" and "good soldier".

July September: Served as assistant and recorder of the Autumn March in Jianjiatang, Anqing Township.

September November: Served as a correspondent in the People's Government of Anqing Township, Wangcheng County.

November 17: Elected to work in Wangcheng County Party Committee and served as the correspondent and guard of Zhang Xingyu, Secretary of the County Party Committee.


February 8: Joined the China New Democratic Youth League.

March: Attended the first commendation meeting for young activists in building socialism in Wangcheng County.

Winter: He participated in the flood channel project at the tail end of Weihe River regulation project in Wangcheng County, and served as a correspondent in the headquarters of Weihe River regulation project.


Spring: Participate in the reclamation construction project of Tuanshan Lake Farm. Learn to drive a tractor at Tuanshan Lake Farm.

March 16: published the first article "I learned to drive a tractor" in Wangcheng Daily. Hou Lu continued to write his diary "Seven Questions", his first poem "Swallows from the South", etc. He wrote 16 poems and essays during his work at Tuanshan Lake Farm.

October: The name was changed from "Lei Zhengxing" to "Lei Feng". Sign up to respond to Ansteel's recruitment.

November 15: work in Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., assigned as a bulldozer in the coal washing workshop of the General Chemical Plant.


August 20: transferred to the Coking Plant of Angang Gongchangling Mine (located in Liaoyang City).

December: I signed up to join the army and published the article "I am determined to answer the call" in the Gongchangling Daily.


January 8: Joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The new barracks are stationed at Yingkou.

March: After the training of new recruits, they were assigned to the fourth shift of the transportation company of the 10th Corps of Engineering Corps of Shenyang Military Region as drivers. The troops are stationed in Fushun.

November 8: Joined the Communist Party of China.

November 26: The story was publicized by Forward News of Shenyang Military Region with two full pages, which opened the prelude to the activity of learning from Lei Feng.

December 1: Lei Feng's Diary was published for the first time in Forward News of Shenyang Military Region.


April 29: Attended the 6th Communist Youth League Representative Meeting of Shenyang Military Region Engineering Corps.

July 31: Attended the first meeting of the Fourth People's Congress of Fushun.

August: Serve as the foreman of the fourth shift of the transportation company.

November 7: employed as a correspondent by the PLA Daily.


January 27: promoted to the rank of sergeant.

February 14: Attended the 10th Corps Congress of the Engineering Corps of the Shenyang Military Region of the Communist Party of China.

February 19: Attended the first representative meeting of the Communist Youth League of Shenyang Military Region.

August 15: At about 10:00 am, when the commander assistant was driving, he was injured on business, and the rescue was invalid. He died at 12:05 am at the age of 22.

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Address: No. 42, Zhengxing Road, Leifeng Street, Changsha Tel: 0731-88107959 WeChat: hnleifeng
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