
Does the school pay more attention to your undergraduate achievements?

Reward points: 0
Does the school pay more attention to your undergraduate achievements? Cross examination. Undergraduate learning is not good. Low score

Relevant institutions: Graduate School of Beijing University of Technology Hot focus: 2021 Postgraduate Examination Tutorial Class Launched How to take the self-taught postgraduate examination

Questioner: 18473482382 - 2016/06/11 08:24

Let me answer

-2 points for answering

Other answers (5)

Normally not. At most, a four-year undergraduate transcript is required when reviewing materials

Respondent: 1138465224 - 2016/06/12 02:28

Generally, they don't value this

Respondent: sszqm1314 - 2016/06/12 10:48


Respondent: kun1023 - 2016/06/14 10:29

Normally not

Respondent: 13551402910 - 2016/06/27 11:06

Some, such as the original transcript of your first exam at Tsinghua University

Respondent: TIU - 2018/03/25 04:25

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