
What are the colleges and universities that can fill in the "Undergraduate Transcript of Undergraduate Students in Self study Examination" in Sichuan to apply for undergraduate education

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Qiu Dashen, I am a self-taught undergraduate student. I confirmed on the spot that I could not apply for the self-taught undergraduate diploma. I read on the Internet that I can fill in the "Undergraduate Transcript of Undergraduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Student in Self study" to apply for the undergraduate diploma. Is there such a saying? Which schools in Sichuan can do it? Please come back soon when you see it. Thank you very much

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Questioner: jianghdeai - 2013/06/06 11:22

Let me answer

-2 points for answering

Other answers (4)

I haven't heard of this yet. I suggest you identify several schools of interest and call them for consultation.

Respondent: bingwei_2004 - 2013/06/07 02:38

This is not reliable. The online information is messy. It is suggested that the information of the school should prevail.

Respondent: tingyu - 2013/06/07 03:48

Only if you have a bachelor's degree, you can go to the website of Sichuan University for postgraduate entrance examination to learn more about it

Respondent: abonnement - 2013/06/09 03:53

I'm as confused as you, but I can't find the answer. Let's work together. If you have any information, please share it. QQ: 773697300

Respondent: Xinyu Xinyuan ZHQ - 2013/08/29 04:38

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