Friendly Links

Friendly chain requirements:

1. PR>=6, Baidu weight>=7, Baidu included>2 million alexa The average daily IP of three months is more than 30000.
2. Your website has a good performance and record in Baidu, Google and other search engines.
3. Educational websites are preferred.

Friendly chain description:

Our website will regularly check the situation of the friend chain. If you find that the Baidu weight of your website is less than 6, you can't open it, the visit fails, or you can't find the link of our website, we will temporarily cancel the link of your website without notifying you. Please also know! No further notice will be given!

contact information:

Email: chinakaoyankefu # (replace # with @)
Note: Please submit your website information via email, including website name, website address and other basic information. After passing the review, we will contact your station in time.

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