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Who are we? Quantum Design, an American manufacturer of scientific instruments, has developed and produced a series of magnetic measurement systems and comprehensive physical property measurement systems, which have become an advanced measurement platform in the industry and are widely distributed in scientific research laboratories in materials, physics, chemistry, nano and other research fields around the world. Quantum Scientific Instrument Trading (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (also known as Quantum Design's Chinese subsidiary), founded in 2004, is one of many subsidiaries set up by Quantum Design in the United States. While fully responsible for the sales and after-sales technical support of its products in China, Quantum Design is also committed to the physical, chemical The manufacturers of scientific instruments in the biological domain cooperate closely

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Technical Articles

  • two thousand and twenty-four six point two six
    X-ray absorption fine structure spectrum: key technology to reveal the micro world of matter

    X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) is an advanced experimental technology, which uses the fine structure information generated by the interaction between X-ray and matter to study the microstructure characteristics of matter. XAFS technology is widely used in physics, chemistry, material science, biology and other fields, and is of great significance for understanding the internal structure and properties of substances. The XAFS spectrum is based on the photoelectric effect when X-rays interact with matter. When X-rays hit the material, if the energy of the X-rays matches the energy level difference of the electrons in the material, the electrons will transition from the low energy level to the high energy level, and absorb X-rays at the same time. This process leads to the absorption of X rays

  • two thousand and twenty-four six point two five
    X-ray near edge absorption spectrum: a window for exploring the internal structure of matter

    X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful experimental technique used to study the electronic structure and geometric structure of materials. XAS can provide detailed information about the internal electron arrangement and the interaction between atoms by analyzing the X-ray absorption of samples within a specific energy range. This technology is widely used in physics, chemistry, material science, biology and other fields. The basic principle of X-ray near edge absorption spectrum is based on the photoelectric effect when X-ray interacts with matter. When the energy of the X-ray matches the energy level difference of the electrons in the sample, the electrons will transition from the low energy level to the high energy level. This process leads to an increase in the absorption intensity of X - rays

  • two thousand and twenty-four six point two four
    Desktop maskless direct writing lithography helps a piece of Nature! Flexible wearable devices achieve important breakthrough

    Article name: High speed and large scale integrally structured integrated circuits Journal: NatureIF64.8 Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07096-7 [Introduction] Intrinsically stretchable electronic devices have mechanical properties similar to human skin, can be used for continuous physiological monitoring, real-time analysis of health status, and have a very broad application prospect in autonomous medicine and other fields. However, the existing technology has some limitations in electrical performance, integration scale and functionality. In view of these problems, Si

  • two thousand and twenty-four six point two zero
    Application Lecture Application and Operation Training of the Second Tsinghua University Analysis Center's Submicron Resolution Infrared System

    Report introduction: On June 24, 2024, the Analysis Center of Tsinghua University and Quantum Design China will jointly hold the second application operation lecture of submicron resolution infrared Raman fluorescence combined system (PSCmIRage LS). This training will introduce in detail the cutting-edge applications of mIRage LS products in chemistry, materials, environment, life science and other fields, as well as computer operation and DEMO sample testing. Teachers and students who need to sign up are welcome to discuss cutting-edge applications and solutions. Training agenda: Time Training content 10:00-11:30 m IRage LS technical principles and recent progress in chemistry, materials, life sciences and other fields; 13:00-16:30D...

  • two thousand and twenty-four six point one eight
    Weak NMR signal? Uncover 90 ° pulse width calibration skills!

    The pulse width is the length of time that the sample is irradiated by the radio frequency energy (RF) in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum (NMR). It is a key factor in the NMR acquisition parameters, because the RF energy will cause the longitudinal magnetization to point in different directions. In practical applications, RF energy can rotate, tilt or flip the longitudinal magnetization. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the pulse width in degrees, also known as the parameter of turning/tilting angle. For NMR experts, it is very important to select an appropriate nuclear magnetic pulse width to achieve a proton flip angle of 90 °. Because the 90 ° flip angle can produce the largest measurable signal, this is very important for obtaining high-quality NMR spectra. In short, one of the important tasks of NMR is to select the radiation that produces the largest signal

  • two thousand and twenty-four six point one six
    QD China's first new generation X-ray single crystal orientation system was successfully settled in Fudan University, and 15s efficient testing!

    Single crystal materials often exhibit anisotropic physical properties due to the different arrangement of atoms in all directions. Therefore, crystal orientation of single crystal samples is an important step to deeply understand the physical properties of anisotropic materials. Recently, we are very honored to install QD China's first s-Laue single crystal orientation system in the Department of Physics, Fudan University. We look forward to the introduction of this system to help user Professor Li Shiyan's scientific research in the field of quantum materials! The new generation of X-ray single crystal orientation system (model: s-Laue) developed and launched by Pulstec Company in Japan uses a new round full two-dimensional detector technology, which greatly simplifies the structure of the equipment, has simple operation, high test efficiency (typical X-ray exposure time is only 15 seconds)

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