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The snow is flying, and guests are coming through the snow. On December 14, 2023, the 15th China High end Home Appliance Trend Release and Red Top Award Ceremony was opened in Beijing Kuntai Jiarui Cultural Center

The final winners of the Red Top Award were announced. Behind the birth of the award products, all of them reflect the trend of changing consumer demand and high-end transformation of the industry in the new era. The beauty of design

In a new round of market cycle, high-end household appliances have ushered in a new development trend. The Report takes the global macro environment and China's economic development as the background to deeply interpret high-end appliances

On December 14, 2023, the "Hongding Prize × Digital Peach Blossom Garden 2023 Cross border Art Exhibition of Life Aesthetics" jointly presented by the Hongding Prize Organizing Committee and Fuyun Art was exhibited in Beijing

Jiang Feng

Lv Shenghua

Lu Zhongyuan

Zhang Guogang

Lv Shenghua Founder of Red Top Award

Resilience, My Travel

Fifteen years passed quickly. Let's review. Fifteen years ago, in 2008 and 2009, home appliances were still in full swing in the countryside. Today, China's home appliances have completed the popularization of various markets. In 2022, the main business income of China's home appliances will reach 1.75 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.5 times over the same period 15 years ago, with a profit of 140.8 billion yuan, an increase of 33 times over the same period last year, China's home appliance industry has achieved a rapid growth to high-quality growth. The Red Top Prize also came into being at this stage. It's different. What's the difference? I summarized the "Four Ones". First, it is a good high-end product. Home appliances have been popularized from scratch, and eventually they are moving from being good to being better. How good

How to obtain the strength of sustainable development that can support you or support the enterprise to break through the tight encirclement?

Could you please talk about the challenges and positive aspects of ESG in their development from the perspective of their own enterprises?

Could you please share with us what kind of people you are concerned about, or what aspects you value most in the consumption process?

Let's express our expectation for the Red Top Award and a better life in one sentence.

Wu Yuanxin

Vice Chairman of China Folk Literature and Art Association, Master of Chinese Arts and Crafts, National Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor

Both household appliances and art products should go among the people, be modernized and market-oriented, and only by winning the favor of ordinary people can they achieve sustainable development.

Ding Zhenggang

National Marketing Director of Guangzhou Panasonic Air Conditioner Co., Ltd

In terms of carbon dioxide emission reduction, Panasonic has formulated a clear vision and goal to promote the realization of carbon emission reduction goals around all value chains, including new technologies and new business activities related to upstream and downstream enterprises.

Yang Hao

Athens Olympic champion, former member of the Chinese women's volleyball team

No matter how the environment is, as long as the product is novel and characteristic enough, consumers will have a choice. As a consumer, I will pay more attention to the "specialty" and "refinement" of household appliances.

Primary rock

Product Planning Director of Hisense Laser Display Company

Hisense has focused on creating innovative products such as foldable laser TV and 8K laser TV, showing the advantages of laser TV such as easy home entry, healthy eye care, home integration, cinema level experience, etc., so that users can enjoy the experience of improving life quality and joyful audio-visual experience.

Maolin forest


The flowing water does not compete for the first place, but the argument is endless. In addition to enjoying the basic functions of household appliances, Gen Z consumers pay more attention to the sense of happiness in the use process.

Wu Yi

Marketing Director of Galanz Life Appliances in China

The user demand of the household appliance industry has been upgraded from "from scratch" to "from excellence to excellence". Users are more rational and more personalized. What we need to do is actively embrace and adapt to changes, and explore the opportunities and momentum of development from changes. Market demand can be created!

Peng Min

Champion of the Fifth Season of China Poetry Conference

Homemakers with a large base have their own unique lifestyle. The biggest demand for appliances is simplicity and companionship. Maybe there will be a larger market for more subdivided and personalized appliances in the future.

Ding Feifei

Vice President of Yongda Media

Yongda Media has always adhered to the long-term principle, big customer principle and effect principle, and continued to create value for customers to achieve more great brands.

Liu Ying

Deputy Editor in Chief of China Home Appliance Network

In the process of pursuing the drama, three points resonate: in the current general environment, enterprises starting from scratch must do a good job in products through the cycle; Establish good brand reputation; Enterprises, dealers and partners should also work together.

2023 China's High end Household Appliances Market Report
Heavy release!

At the 15th China High end Home Appliance Trend Release and Red Top Awards Ceremony, the Red Top Awards Organizing Committee, together with GfK China and JD Home Appliances, launched the 2023 China High end Home Appliance Market Report. In a new round of market cycle, high-end household appliances have ushered in a new development trend. The Report takes the global macro environment and China's economic development as the background to deeply interpret high-end household appliances

  • Hongding caring enterprises: Oxfam, Bosch Home Appliances, Haier, Hisense Refrigerator, Jingdong Home Appliances, Jiuyang, Siemens Home Appliances, Whirlpool China

  • Hongding Public Welfare 2024 Image Ambassador: Actor Mao Linlin

"Traveling by the river, forgetting the distance of the road, and suddenly meeting the peach blossom forest..." Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Garden" is a dream that belongs to the Chinese civilization for thousands of years. This fantastic and romantic journey reflects the Chinese people's deep desire for pastoral life, beautiful natural scenery, and harmonious social relations, The abundant material satisfaction of the granary and the spiritual self consistency nurtured on this basis are still the ideal scene we have pursued tirelessly until today. Through an exhibition in which home appliances and digital art coexist, the Red Top Award has helped us close the gap between real life and ideal Taoyuan. On December 14, 2023, the "Hongding Prize × Digital Peach Blossom Garden 2023 Cross border Art Exhibition of Life Aesthetics", jointly presented by the Hongding Prize Organizing Committee and Fuyun Art, was exhibited in Beijing. Through the integration of household appliances and art, it broke the boundaries of traditional exhibitions and created an infinite imagination of "from life and higher than life".

Today's achievements in the home appliance market can not be separated from the concerted efforts of industry people. Some of them are in high positions, and are steering the enterprise's journey from a strategic perspective; Some are on the front line and are keenly aware of every small signal released by the market; Some are hidden behind the scenes and have been assiduously searching for the subtlety of technology for decades; Some of them measure the breadth and depth of the home appliance market with their pace. We can't deliver the honor and blessing to every participant in the household appliance industry, but we can commend outstanding individuals and team representatives among them. Here, we salute every household appliance person who is struggling!