

People suggest collecting | developing new quality productive forces. How can Jilin adjust measures to local conditions?

Developing new quality productivity is the internal requirement and important focus of promoting high-quality development. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we should lead industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, and actively cultivate and develop new quality productivity", and called for "strengthening major scientific and technological breakthroughs, strengthening the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, actively cultivating new business types, new models and new drivers, and developing new quality productivity according to local conditions".

At present, all departments in Jilin Province are deeply implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, seizing opportunities, striving to be the first, basing on reality, developing new quality productivity according to local conditions, and firmly promoting high-quality economic development.

Jilin Province focuses on implementing the high-quality development strategy of "one main task and six double", cultivating "four clusters", developing "six new industries", building "four new facilities" and other key tasks, adhering to reform and empowerment, opening up and gathering energy, breaking through the blocking points that constrain new quality productivity, unswervingly strengthening innovation, gathering talents, attracting enterprises, implementing projects, expanding investment and extending the chain, Accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, actively seize new fields and new racetracks, pull new quality productivity to accelerate the generation and release, and gather strong development momentum.

To be "new" and "quality", Jilin Channel of People's Daily Online, in conjunction with the General Office of Jilin Provincial Party Committee, the General Office of Jilin Provincial People's Government, the Social Work Department of Jilin Provincial Party Committee, and the Cyber Information Office of Jilin Provincial Party Committee, launched a collection of opinions and suggestions on "accelerating the development of new quality productivity and solidly promoting high-quality development" for the masses and business entities in Jilin Province, Invite netizens and business entities to give advice and suggestions for the development of their hometown through the "Leaders Message Board" applet of People's Daily Online, "People's Daily Online+" client and other channels.

During this solicitation activity, the People's Daily Online will also launch a financial media interview column, People's Advice Direct Train, and a series of financial media reports, Question and Plan Frontline. What suggestions and expectations do you have for Jilin to develop new quality productivity? Do you have any good idea to break through the blocking points that restrict the development of new quality productivity? Welcome to the People's Suggestion on People's Daily Online to put forward your "golden idea" and jointly help Jilin's high-quality development.

Scan the code to provide advice and suggestions for Jilin's high-quality development.

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