

"Immersive" experience of traditional Chinese medicine culture feast

Students from Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine perform Baduan Brocade. Photographed by Xu Wei

The 2024 Chinese Medicine Culture Festival held by Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in recent days has enabled citizens to "immerse" in the experience of a Chinese medicine culture feast. The continuous opening up activities also showed the new style of development of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and narrowed the distance between ordinary people and traditional Chinese medicine.

With the theme of "Xinglin inherits the ancient charm culture and shines in the future", the festival has set up nine open exhibition areas, including school running achievements exhibition area, innovation and entrepreneurship achievements exhibition area, free clinic consultation area, cultural experience area, enrollment consultation area, venue open area, cultural performance area, cultural activity area and confidential publicity area, which comprehensively display the construction achievements of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine School running characteristics and the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine culture of the school.

The children of the provincial orphan school were also invited to the scene. Accompanied by the teachers of the Third Party Branch of the Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the children watched the dragon dance, tasted medicinal food, made sachets, and experienced a series of interesting cultural activities. Happy smiles always bloomed on the children's faces.

In the cultural experience area, the Chinese medicine health food booth was crowded by citizens. The pharmacologist who made medicated diet showed the charm of food to the citizens and spread the ancient Chinese medicine culture with exquisite cooking skills and unique medicated diet formula. "It's not for nothing this time. It's not only a feast for the eyes, but also a feast for the mouth. I really appreciate the rich taste and health benefits of herbal food," said a citizen. The nearby Chinese medicine processing booth was also crowded with citizens. Through the on-site demonstration of processing methods, Chinese medicine practitioners made citizens understand how Chinese medicine was processed according to the theory of Chinese medicine, drug demand and the nature of the drug itself, which was an eye opener for citizens.

In the free clinic consultation area, experts from the Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Third Clinical Hospital attended the clinic on the spot to feel the pulse and prescribe prescriptions for the citizens. The teachers and students of the Acupuncture and Massage College, as well as the volunteers of the Boshu Medical Service Group, also simultaneously popularized the knowledge of TCM health care, so that citizens can experience massage, massage and other health care techniques, and understand the correct concept of health care.

In addition to experiencing rich and colorful cultural activities, citizens also visited the Jilin Provincial Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Five Games and Six Qi Demonstration Hall, the Xinglin Qingma Project Base, the Follow up Library and other teaching venues to understand the profound culture of traditional Chinese medicine and feel the unique charm of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. "In recent years, the special advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of diseases have been increasingly recognized by all walks of life, which also gave me the idea of letting children learn traditional Chinese medicine." Mr. Li, a citizen, specially took children to visit and experience. He said that he hoped that children would fall in love with traditional Chinese medicine through close experience of the charm of traditional Chinese medicine culture and the unique cultural atmosphere of traditional Chinese medicine schools.

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