government affairs

government affairs

Zhang Enhui stressed at the "horse racing" meeting of the city's economic operation in the first quarter

Accurately grasp the "time, scale and efficiency" of economic work and seize the momentum to consolidate the good development trend of Changchun

Wang Zhihou and Gao Zhiguo Attend the Deployment of Wang Zilian

On the 23rd, the city's first quarter economic operation "horse racing" conference was held in the form of video. Zhang Enhui, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast in the new era, accurately grasp the "time efficiency" of economic work, learn from difficulties in a good way, be stable and not forget about worries, take advantage of the momentum to consolidate the good development trend of Changchun, and lay a solid foundation for completing the goals and tasks of the year. Wang Zhihou and Gao Zhiguo attended the meeting, and the prince made joint work arrangements.

The meeting analyzed the economic operation of the city, reported the results of the "horse race" in the first quarter with reasons, and Changchun New Area, Dehui City, Lvyuan District, Economic Development Zone, and Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology made exchange speeches.

Zhang Enhui said that Changchun's economy has maintained its strong momentum since last year and achieved a "good start" in the first quarter. The main indicators exceeded expectations and were positive. Early start, quick action and solid work. It is necessary to grasp the "timeliness", "degree" and "efficiency", consolidate the hard won development achievements and maintain the good momentum, so as to provide strong support for the province to achieve the goal of "two guarantees and one first".

We should keep an eye on the "time", firmly grasp the key period of the second quarter, and seize the momentum to consolidate the good momentum of economic growth. Keep a clear head, adhere to the problem orientation, comprehensively and dialectically analyze the current economic situation, and know the difficulties in doing a good job without forgetting the worries. Calculate the time account, task account and progress account, refocus the goal, re compact the responsibility, and re strengthen the work, so as to promote the improvement of standards, speed, quality and efficiency of all work.

It is necessary to grasp the "degree", make a scientific overall plan and implement the policy accurately, focus on the key points and comprehensively, focus on the difficulties and breakthrough, and focus on the mechanism to promote the implementation. We will focus on major platforms, key industries, key enterprises, and major projects, especially focusing on the construction of "two cities". We will do a good job in two articles, namely, "incremental agglomeration" and "stock release". We will use key breakthroughs to drive overall improvement and accelerate the expansion of new quality productivity. We should make good use of the working mechanisms such as "four guarantees", connect the two levels of the urban area, link departments and regions, and answer the same questions and make efforts in the same direction. We should make good use of the assessment baton, make weekly scheduling, monthly comments, and quarterly horse racing, so as to make accurate and effective assessment, and create a strong atmosphere of competition, progress, comparison, and catching up.

We should focus on "efficiency", adhere to the problem oriented, goal oriented, and result oriented, and take pragmatic and precise measures to promote the implementation of all work and see actual results. We will make overall efforts to strive for upward policies, project construction, investment promotion, industrial operation scheduling, cultural and tourism consumption, spring plowing production, "five classics popularization", keep the safety bottom line, and emergency duty during the May Day holiday, and firmly grasp the initiative to lay a solid foundation for completing the annual goals and tasks.

The Prince's Union made comments and deployment around the "how to look" of the economic operation in the first quarter and the "how to do" of the economic work in the second quarter, stressed that we should not only recognize the achievements, but also face the problems, anchor the goals, work hard to tackle the second quarter, focus on the key work of economic operation, investment and consumption, warehousing and integration, livelihood security, security and stability, and with firm determination and pragmatic style, Firmly accomplish the set goals and strive for better results.

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