government affairs

government affairs

Wang Zilian Meets with Yang Zhiyan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Railway Real Estate Group

Recently, Mayor Wang Zilian met with Yang Zhiyan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Railway Real Estate Group.

Prince Lian said that Changchun is seizing the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation and development, comprehensively building a modern industrial system of "three transformations, four strong and seven new", accelerating the construction of "two cities", and accelerating the generation of new quality productivity. It is hoped that China Railway Real Estate will firmly grasp the opportunity of the construction of Yongchun Modern Biomedical City, speed up the improvement of conference and exhibition functions, and actively cultivate and create new formats and scenes of culture and tourism. Changchun will set up special work classes to provide better services and create better conditions for the long-term development of enterprises.

Yang Zhiyan said that Changchun has a good business environment, excellent government services, and many market opportunities. It is a key area of China Railway Real Estate's strategic layout. It will give play to its own advantages, accelerate the promotion of existing projects, plan to implement more cooperation projects, and achieve win-win and sustainable development for both sides.

Wu Bo and Zhu Guangming attended the meeting.

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