government affairs

government affairs

Zhang Enhui Chairs the Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee

Thoroughly implement the spirit of important instructions in General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, carry out good Party discipline learning and education, and promote comprehensive and strict governance of the Party

On the 15th, Zhang Enhui, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, conveyed the important directive spirit of learning from General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important speech, and studied and deployed the key work of the city's party discipline learning and education.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, stressed the need to deeply study the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution, implement the requirements of the inspection work regulations, solidly promote the rectification of problems found in the third and fourth rounds of inspection by the Municipal Party Committee, effectively do a good job in the new round of inspection work, combine the current and long-term, promote the treatment of both symptoms and root causes, and promote the source governance.

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping when he participated in the voluntary tree planting activity in the capital, and emphasized the need to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, firmly establish the concept of "increasing green is to increase advantages, and planting trees is to plant the future", focus on the expansion, rejuvenation, and protection of green, deepen the voluntary tree planting activity of the whole people, and accelerate the construction of a strong ecological city.

In terms of doing a good job in rectifying formalism, reducing the burden on the grass-roots level, and implementing the requirements of the deployment for centralized rectification of unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses, the meeting stressed that we should improve our political position, establish a correct view of political achievements, and take the spirit of nailing nails to make overall efforts in various rectification work. We should focus on key areas such as rural revitalization, education and medical care, law enforcement and justice, pension and social security, and crime eradication, and focus on solving a number of practical problems that people care about. It is necessary to strengthen investigation and undercover investigation, unblock the channels of letters, visits and calls, make good use of big data platform and dig deep into the clues of problems. We should grasp the "responsibilities that should be reduced" and "responsibilities that should be fulfilled", clarify the rights and responsibilities of the grass-roots level, avoid seeking quick success and instant benefits, and reduce the responsibilities of grass-roots cadres and improve the efficiency of grass-roots governance.

The meeting deliberated and passed the Implementation Plan of Changchun City's Party Discipline Learning and Education, and the Work Arrangement of Changchun City's Standing Committee Group on Party Discipline Learning and Education, emphasizing that carrying out party discipline learning and education in the whole party is an important political task of party building this year, and it is necessary to unify thoughts and actions to the central department of the party, guide party members and cadres to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline, and constantly enhance political determination Discipline, morality and corruption resistance. We should pay attention to the combination of overall planning, combine the development of learning and education with the in-depth promotion of overall strict governance of the Party, the daily education and management of party members and cadres, and the implementation of major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, so as to transform the achievements of learning and education into high-quality development achievements.

The meeting listened to the report of the city's urban gas safety management work, emphasized the responsibility of "always reassuring" to do a good job in gas safety work, adhered to the problem orientation, kept the alarm ringing, and thoroughly carried out the special treatment of "operation with problems" of gas pipelines. It is necessary to highlight the key points and do a good job in the transformation of "valve and tube stoves" for residential users and "bottle and tube" for catering users, which should be completed by the end of the year. The responsibility chain should be tightened and compacted. For those who do not go deep into the investigation and rectification, go through the motions, fail to find out the problems, and fail to rectify the problems, they should be seriously investigated and held accountable.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the Regulations on the Study and Education of Party History, and reviewed and passed the 2024 action plan for building a happy Changchun.

Other matters were also studied.

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