

Let bugs support the circular industrial chain

The double pronged rhinoceros golden tortoise, the flower backed toad, the black water fly, the trichogramma, and the earthworm can be seen on the intelligent greenhouse and test bed of the engineering research center of agricultural beneficial insect industrialization and application technology of Guoxin. These insects "perform their own duties", some are used for biological control in agricultural production, some are used to digest wet garbage, and some are used to treat straw.

Beneficial insect specimens cultivated by Guoxin Agricultural Beneficial Insect Industrialization and Applied Technology Engineering Research Center. Photographed by Yuan Di

Food waste and straw are by-products and wastes in domestic production. How to turn these "resources" into treasure? Changchun Guoxin Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. has explored a path of circular development based on beneficial insect research, by building an efficient biological transformation technology system, transforming agricultural organic waste and some wet garbage into insect feed and organic fertilizer, and realizing resource utilization.

The double pronged rhinoceros golden tortoise, the flower backed toad, the black water fly, the trichogramma, and the earthworm can be seen on the intelligent greenhouse and test bed of the engineering research center of agricultural beneficial insect industrialization and application technology of Guoxin. These insects "perform their own duties", some are used for biological control in agricultural production, some are used to digest wet garbage, and some are used to treat straw.

In one of the ordinary greenhouses, the ground is piled with straw fragments. The staff came forward to poke away the broken pieces, and several gray brown worms more than 10 cm long were crawling in the straw fragments, which were the larvae of the double pronged rhinoceros golden tortoise eating.

"After several years of research, the black water fly and the double pronged rhinoceros golden tortoise have achieved good results in straw treatment," said Gao Jingxiu, deputy general manager of Changchun Guoxin Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. At the same time, by breeding resource-based insects, insects are used as converters to transform agricultural wastes such as straw and fungus bran into organic fertilizer and insect protein, It can not only effectively solve the bottleneck of waste comprehensive utilization and non-point source pollution that perplex agricultural development, but also increase farmers' income.

Among them, the black water fly has the characteristics of fast growth, strong reproduction and regeneration ability, and high food conversion rate. The black water fly's feces have no odor, can fertilize loose soil, and is a high-quality organic fertilizer for crops. Gao Jingxiu said, "The excrement of the black water fly can be used as fertilizer, insect powder can be used to feed fish, and can also be used as feed for forest frogs. This special transformation function is unmatched by other feed insects."

Unlike the black water fly, the food of the double pronged rhinoceros scarab is straw. The adult double pronged rhinoceros beetle has horns on its head, so it is commonly known as the "one horned fairy", and its life span is about 1 year. Breeding double pronged rhinoceros golden tortoise can not only solve the problem of straw utilization, but also can be made into handicrafts for sale.

"Due to the different drying time, some straws may not be decomposed when they are returned to the field directly. When they are buried underground with pathogenic bacteria and insect eggs, they may bring diseases and pests, increasing the cost of farming." Gao Jingxiu said that the project of biological treatment of agricultural waste by double pronged rhinoceros golden tortoise has low costs and high benefits, which can solve the problems of difficult treatment, high costs and environmental pollution in the process of straw reuse.

"Guoxin Agriculture is the organic vegetable demonstration base of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. In order to ensure the quality of vegetables, biological control has always been a very important part of the development of Guoxin's agricultural industry. Guoxin Agricultural Beneficial Insect Industrialization and Application Technology Engineering Research Center was established naturally on the basis of continuous biological control," said Gao Jingxiu, At first, I wanted to control pests in the shed area through beneficial insect research. After a period of time, I felt that beneficial insects could not only be used in facility agriculture, but should extend the chain to form a virtuous circle of industrial development.

"After several years of research and experiments, the practice of using insects to transform agricultural waste has the characteristics of being replicable, promotable, and can also be industrialized." Gao Jingxiu said that now Guoxin Agriculture is expanding the promotion model of "company+cooperatives+farmers", attracting 2000 professional planting cooperatives in three northeastern provinces, so that the income of edible fungus growers and corn growers can be increased by more than four times.

"This time of year is the peak season for training and teaching, mainly focusing on rural industry development, leisure agriculture and rural tourism, agricultural enterprise management and other contents." Gao Jingxiu said that in recent years, Guoxin Agriculture has relied on Jilin Guoxin Vocational Training School and Shuangyang Rural Zhenxing College, taking advantage of the advantages of new vocational farmer training demonstration sites and field schools, More than ten thousand farmers have been trained to spread the scientific and technological achievements of beneficial agriculture.

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