

Agriculture+light and shadow+ice and snow——

The Winter Agricultural Expo has a "mysterious world" under the shadow of lights

Daytime clock in sightseeing agriculture, facility agriculture and creative agriculture, and night clock in light and shadow give romantic fantasy.

The bonfire landscape sketch of Xuexiang in "Jilin Pavilion" seems to illuminate the winter agricultural expo garden in the night. Photographed by Zhang Xinyu

Daytime clock in sightseeing agriculture, facility agriculture and creative agriculture, and night clock in light and shadow give romantic fantasy. Changchun Winter Agricultural Expo starts a night tour of agricultural expo. While experiencing the spring atmosphere in cold winter, a light and shadow show is presented to tourists, and people can immerse in the unique charm of "agriculture+light and shadow+ice and snow".

At 16:00 during the Winter Agricultural Expo, after the daytime exhibition stopped on time, after 30 minutes of preparation time, the sunlight gradually darkened, and the Agricultural Expo Park presented visitors with a world full of fantasy and creativity, met with various animation characters, and felt different lighting effects and interactive experience. All kinds of crops and plants become exquisite and different in the light and shadow. Golden wheat fields sway in the breeze, as if telling the joy of harvest.

Enter from Gate 12 of the Agricultural Expo Garden at night. Accompanied by "Snowflake Praise", the world agricultural garden themed by "Sleepwalking in Wonderland" creates a fairy tale romance, and interactive games increase the sense of experience. Exotic customs and fairy tales of light and shadow reveal mystery everywhere. The Wizard of Oz, 80 day round trip to the earth, ice and snow, 20000 miles under the sea...... The new light and shadow effect, combined with the rare and precious grass from all over the world, demonstrates the beautiful scene like "ten thousand stars" in various forms of expression.

"It's really a different place every year! It's very different from the scenery I saw this summer! It's my first time to come here at night, and my biggest feeling is that every corner will bring new surprises," said Song Yaqin, a citizen.

The theme of "Beyond the Mountain", which is newly created by "Jilin Pavilion", allows tourists to travel through various landscapes in Jilin. Beauty of industry, folk customs, myths and legends; Mountainous areas, wetlands, grasslands, plains, etc. are set off by colorful lights, outlining the image of Jilin, which is scientific, dynamic and modern.

"There are many cartoon characters I like here. I didn't expect to have such fun while learning about agriculture and regional culture!" said the child Zhang Xinyi.

The "Powerful Country Pavilion" with the theme of "Star Dream in the Boat" shows the prosperity and prosperity of the motherland. Through the five themes of space navigation, happy China, manufacturing power, rural revitalization, and beautiful China, 10 light and shadow landscapes have been formed here, including asking the sky and exploring the moon, passionate ice and snow, intelligent interconnection, fragrant melons and fruits, and good luck all the year round, so that tourists can travel through them and feel the ever-changing development and changes of the great motherland.

In the Winter Agricultural Expo Park, there are many outdoor snow and ice lights waiting for tourists to clock in! The "Spring Poem Road" is very bright. The yellow poem light board is full of cultural atmosphere, and the end of the "Net Red Wall" is even more dazzling. The "Spring Poem Road" tells the poems in winter and the distance.

The "hometown of powder snow" is the soul of this journey of light and shadow. The 20 meter long super large snow sculpture uses the image of the divine deer as the theme model, and presents the light and shadow illusion of sound and light in four chapters, namely, the leap of the divine deer, the goddess of the pure moon, the fragrance of fruits and melons, and the new year of the dragon.

Located in the light and shadow show area, children's happy laughter can be heard everywhere. The snow maze, pink snow slide, and snow play area not far away combine the snow online red art device with fun entertainment to create a new scene of all-weather unlimited play and become a source of happiness for children in winter.

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