


Fully guide farmers to store grain scientifically

After the autumn harvest, in order to reduce the loss of grain storage, Yushu City vigorously publicized the method of safe grain storage, to ensure that farmers reduce losses and increase income, and to help farmers calculate their economic accounts.

After the autumn harvest, in order to reduce the loss of grain storage, Yushu City vigorously publicized the method of safe grain storage, to ensure that farmers reduce losses and increase income, and to help farmers calculate their economic accounts.

The Grain and Materials Reserve Bureau of Yushu City actively organized the cadres and staff of the villages and towns (streets) and grain storage bureaus to go deep into the farmers to publicize the knowledge of safe grain storage, and issued leaflets and brochures to ensure that farmers are proficient in the knowledge of safe grain storage. Yushu TV Station broadcast the propaganda film of scientific grain storage in a rolling manner. Taking into account the farmers' planting scale, grain storage conditions, capital investment, labor situation, grain sales demand, grain market prices and other factors, Yushu City supports and guides farmers to take different ways to eliminate "lying on the ground" according to local conditions, and guides farmers to conduct necessary ventilation and sorting for the harvested grain, select sticks and load them into warehouses at the right time to achieve safe grain storage.

Grain storage for large grain growers, family farms and professional cooperatives. Yushu City will timely launch the grain post production service center, give full play to the advantages of the grain post production service center in terms of storage facilities, machinery and equipment, personnel management, etc., carry out grain post production order service, and realize the transformation from "grain at home" to "grain in warehouse".

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