

Grain storage to solve "troubles after harvest"

It was late autumn. While most farmers were busy storing autumn grain, Zhang Jinan, a grain farmer in Shuicun Village, Longjia Street, Jiutai District, sent the newly harvested rice to the local Nongle family farm for storage.

Walking into the grain storage and ventilation warehouse of Nongle Family Farm, we saw that the continuous rice was piled into hills, the ground was specially moisture-proof, the ventilation equipment on the wall quickly removed the moisture and dust in the warehouse, and the farm was equipped with special personnel to monitor the temperature and humidity in the ventilation warehouse. The picture shows the staff cleaning food in the grain depot. Photographed by Liang Chuang

Removing sundries and stones, drying and grinding rice, and unpacking... At present, the production line of Nongle Family Farm is fragrant with rice, and each piece of beautifully packaged products has been rolled off the production line and sent to markets everywhere. The picture shows the workers repacking the new rice. Photographed by Liang Chuang

It was late autumn. While most farmers were busy storing autumn grain, Zhang Jinan, a grain farmer in Shuicun Village, Longjia Street, Jiutai District, sent the newly harvested rice to the local Nongle family farm for storage. Looking at the year's harvest grains returning to the warehouse, the joy of harvest was written on Zhang Jinan's face, "40 hectares of rice, not a grain left at home! We grow, store and sell grain on the village's Nongle Farm, neither worried about grain loss nor worried about selling grain."

Food can be properly stored at home, thanks to the storage service provided by Nongle Family Farm for rice farmers. In the past, farmers directly stacked grain in their own yards. Once the storage was not standardized, it was very easy to mildew, damp and rot, which would cause considerable losses. Where to store autumn grain has become a "problem after harvest".

The market, new agricultural operators and farmers are the "iron triangle" of agricultural production. In order to effectively solve the problem of grain storage after the autumn harvest, the "Shangxin" grain storage mode of Nongle Family Farm and the specialized post harvest socialized service of collection, storage and processing have broken the "bottleneck" of grain loss after the harvest, making the farm a "grain nanny" for farmers to reduce losses and increase income.

"The grain is stored on the farm and sold at any time you want!" Li Song, the head of Nongle Family Farm, said, "The farm has space for grain storage and facilities for grain management. We have special personnel responsible for monitoring the temperature and humidity in the ventilation warehouse, which will reduce at least 2% in the winter. Farmers are optimistic about the market and can sell the grain to the farm at any time to create good profits." After the autumn harvest this year, The farm has provided grain storage services for more than 100 farmers in the surrounding area. At present, the rice storage capacity is more than 2000 tons.

The advantage of scientific grain storage and Nongle Family Farm is that its facilities can keep up - three ventilation warehouses are used for grain storage, with a total area of 4500 square meters and the capacity to store tens of thousands of tons of grain. Under the guidance of Li Song, the reporter walked into the spacious and tidy grain storage ventilation warehouse, only to find that successive pieces of rice piled into hills, the ground was specially moisture-proof, and the ventilation facilities on the wall quickly removed moisture and dust from the warehouse... Appropriate storage conditions can meet the needs of grain storage, laying a good foundation for safe grain storage.

"Food can only be sold well if it is stored well! Warehouse 1 and Warehouse 2 are stocked with long grain fragrance and super rice, while Warehouse 3 is stocked with sticky rice..." Walking from the north end of the warehouse to the south end, Li Song is as familiar as a book. "The grain storage not only reduces the loss rate of grain storage, expands the space for grain collection and storage, but also wins the trust of more and more farmers." At the weighing place of the farm, Several local farmers were preparing to sell grain. Seeing that their own grain was not damaged at all, they happily told the reporter that they were very relieved to put the grain away! By reducing intermediate links and food consumption, the average income per hectare of land can be increased by 800 yuan.

On one side is a ventilation warehouse for scientific storage, and on the other side is a fully operational production workshop. Removal of sundries and stones, drying and milling of rice, out of warehouse and repackaging... At present, the production line of the farm is fragrant with rice, and each piece of beautifully packaged products is coming off the line. The staff is busy sending new rice to markets everywhere. At present, Nongle Family Farm has formed a complete industrial chain from planting to harvesting, from storage to processing, from sales to brand, and has been successively rated as "AAAAA Integrity Enterprise" and "Provincial Demonstration Family Farm".

"Grain is stored and sold at the same time, and rice is milled as orders are placed. Now we have to produce more than 20 tons of rice every day." Now, relying on grain storage services, Nongle Family Farm is vigorously developing order farming, creating the "Songyou" rice brand, with an annual rice processing capacity of more than 20000 tons, "Good grain quality, high yield and low cost are the wishes of every farmer. To achieve these goals, we must rely on scientific management mode!" Li Song said firmly.

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