

Making good use of storage and grain, reducing loss and increasing income are guaranteed

"If corn goes to the 'building', it will not worry about selling grain; if grain is stored scientifically, it will reduce losses and increase incomes."

On the 27th, a forklift was shoveling corn into the granary at the Big Harvest Family Farm in Pinganbao Village. Photographed by Zhang Xinyu

"If corn goes to the 'building', it will not worry about selling grain; if it is stored scientifically, it will reduce income and increase income." At present, in Pinganbao Village, Xinnong Township, Nong'an County, this jingle is widely spread among farmers, and the concept of scientific grain storage by using continuous row granaries promoted in the village has been recognized by the villagers.

On the 27th, when the reporter walked into the big harvest family farm in Pinganbao Village, he saw that the farm surrounded the vacant land with a grain storage barn, and then used agricultural machinery to shovel the harvested corn into the barn. These granaries are welded from steel, which are not easy to age, ventilated and cooled, and can prevent pests and rats, which can effectively reduce grain loss.

According to Cheng Zhishuang, secretary of the General Party Branch of Pinganbao Village, 1500 hectares of corn were planted in the village, with an output of more than 20 million kilograms. More than 65% of the corn was stored in a scientific way.

Now, the villagers have realized that loss reduction is to increase production and consumption reduction is to increase income. Scientific grain storage can not only ensure food security, but also increase income. The village's big harvest family farm has transferred nearly 200 hectares of land this year. To ensure the safety of grain storage, the farm has built a special granary. "We have invested 150000 yuan to build grain storage warehouses, which will pay back in one year." Xu Ping, the head of Dafengshou Family Farm, said, "There is a clear income gap between the corn and wet grain. The corn in the building with one hectare of land can earn about 2000 yuan more than the wet grain."

At present, Nong'an County is actively promoting scientific grain storage, bringing more opportunities for harvest and income increase in rural areas, and becoming a new way for farmers to increase production and income, so that they can better cope with the dual challenges of food security and economic returns.

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