

Optimize traffic environment and release driving space

Accurate policy implementation in Green Park District to improve road traffic efficiency

Comprehensive traffic management concerns the people's livelihood. The Lvyuan District Traffic Management Office formulates the "inspector" system, organizes the traffic police, housing construction and other departments to carry out joint patrols in key areas and roads within the jurisdiction, conducts in-depth research, implements precise policies, and improves road traffic efficiency.

The green belt of Zhanqian Street has been optimized to release more driving space. Publicity photography

Comprehensive traffic management concerns the people's livelihood. The Lvyuan District Traffic Management Office formulates the "inspector" system, organizes the traffic police, housing construction and other departments to carry out joint patrols in key areas and roads within the jurisdiction, conducts in-depth research, implements precise policies, and improves road traffic efficiency.

On the 26th, at the intersection of Feiyue Road and Zhanqian Street in Lvyuan District, the traffic was smooth. Jiang Jiwei, a citizen, often passes by here, and is very satisfied with the current road conditions here: "Before, because the green belt of Zhanqian Street occupied a row of lanes, every time we went to Zhanqian Street, we had to make a detour, especially during the peak hours. Now the green belt has shrunk a little, and we can go straight. The intersection is also wide, and the traffic is smooth."

Feiyue Road is an important transportation hub connecting Green Park, High tech Zone and Auto Development Zone, and also an important channel to Changchun West Railway Station. During the work, the "inspector" found that the green belt on Zhanqian Street was too long at the intersection of Feiyue Road and Zhanqian Street, occupying the space of the straight lane of Feiyue Road. The straight vehicles traveling here need to be parallel, which is easy to form short-term congestion. The Lvyuan District Traffic Management Office immediately organized and coordinated the Lvyuan District Traffic Police Brigade, the District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau and other departments to carry out on-site inspections and formulate rectification plans. "The District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau optimized the green belt of Zhanqian Street in three days, shortened the green belt by 15 meters, paved a new asphalt concrete pavement of 45 square meters, and installed a speed limit plate." Li Kaichun, head of the municipal administration section of the Lvyuan District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, said that the optimization of this intersection promoted the micro cycle of the intersection, and at the same time released more driving space.

Next, Lvyuan District will further implement the "inspector" system, increase the frequency of work, check key areas and roads one by one within the jurisdiction, improve the road traffic environment, and ensure the safety and convenience of citizens' travel.

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