

Combination of agricultural machinery and agronomy saves time, labor and efficiency

Harvesting, drying, threshing, drying, grain storage, grain selling... This is a traditional autumn harvest link, but at the Zengcheng Agricultural Machinery Planting Professional Cooperative in Huancheng Township, Yushu City, through the use of corn grain harvesters, corn can be threshed directly in the harvesting process to complete one-stop autumn harvest.

On the 21st, in the field of Gain Agricultural Machinery Planting Professional Cooperative in Huancheng Township, Yushu City, the large-scale corn combine was operating at full speed. Photographed by Zhang Xinyu

Harvesting, drying, threshing, drying, grain storage, grain selling... This is a traditional autumn harvest link, but at the Zengcheng Agricultural Machinery Planting Professional Cooperative in Huancheng Township, Yushu City, through the use of corn grain harvesters, corn can be threshed directly in the harvesting process to complete one-stop autumn harvest.

On the 21st, when the reporter walked into the field of the Gain Agricultural Machinery Planting Professional Cooperative in Huancheng Township, Yushu City, he saw three large-scale corn combine harvesters and a corn grain harvester operating at full power. After several rounds of machine roar, a car of golden corn grains appeared in front of his eyes.

"With a grain harvester, a hectare of land can be directly harvested in less than 50 minutes. It not only saves time and labor, reduces labor costs, but also reduces the food loss caused by mice eating and birds pecking." Ma Zhan, the head of the cooperative, told reporters that direct harvesting can reduce the workload of manual threshing, However, "grain direct harvesting requires the combination of specific varieties and our cultivation technology, and only when the moisture content is less than 25% can it be operated."

Through the combination of agricultural machinery and agronomy, and the combination of good varieties and good methods, the Zenith Cooperative has comprehensively promoted and adopted the full amount of straw returning and deep ploughing and strip tillage models. In addition, when selecting seeds at the beginning of the year, some varieties that can tolerate dense planting were selected, and with the combination of agricultural machinery and agronomy, 16500 kg to 17500 kg of corn could be harvested per hectare.

"Now the corn doesn't fall to the ground. After harvesting, it is sent to the drying tower. The autumn harvest is over 20 days earlier than in the past. The corn can't stay in the granary for a few days in total, so as to avoid the situation of stale grain," Ma Zhanyou said. Now, the grain of the cooperative is sold according to the order, the land is planted according to the trusteeship and circulation mode, and the grain harvester shows great skill. The cost of 1 hectare of land can be saved from 400 to 600 yuan.

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