

Kuancheng District:

Public service wedding photography activities freeze the happy moment of the elderly

In order to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly and show the achievements of the construction of spiritual civilization in Kuancheng District, a large-scale public wedding photography activity was held in Clivia Park on the 50th anniversary of the golden wedding, "Hand in Hand, Let Love Accompany". 11 pairs of golden married old people wore gowns, experienced the sense of traditional wedding ceremony, and fixed happiness with photos.

As early as one month before the event, the volunteer service team of "Kuancheng Good People", led by Jiang Chunsheng, the team leader, carefully organized and planned with Anshan Road Community, Qunying Street, to pick up and send 11 pairs of golden married old people to and from the wedding dress shop, and to jointly customize cakes, prepare gifts, buy Chinese costumes and design the stage. At the event site, Kuancheng District took wedding photos for 11 pairs of golden married elderly free of charge, recorded their happiness with light and shadow, and gave gifts as a celebration. The old people also recalled the process of their marriage from newlyweds to golden marriages, exchanged their family anecdotes and life tips, and expressed their warmth of "holding the hand of their children and growing old together with them".

In order to welcome the Double Ninth Festival, residents of Kuancheng District and golden married elderly people gathered together. In addition to witnessing their lifelong commitment, they also enjoyed the songs "I wish the motherland three cups of wine", Huangmei Opera "Daughter in law" and other programs. This activity made residents feel the intimate care of volunteer service in a diversified way, promoted the social fashion of respecting and loving the elderly, and promoted the harmony and stability of family and society. Next, Kuancheng District will continue to normalize the practice of filial piety and loving relatives, constantly enhance the happiness of the elderly, and gather the positive energy of caring for others and serving the society.

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